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I call upon all the benign presences within the hearing of my voice and the call of my heart.
I call all who bear our purpose and this union only good will: Come!
Enter the Circle with me and bear witness to the miracle of love.
Enter the circle and bear witness to the promises and gifts
these two lovers are about to exchange.
No matter how strong their love for each other, they will need our support.
I ask each of you present today to do all in your power to sustain
and encourage Lorelei and Justin in their commitment to each other.
We rejoice with them for this union of hearts, a union created by friendship, respect, and love.
This wedding may be quite a bit different from those you have attended before.
May all of you here today listen with open hearts and minds, give recognition to the specialness of today's event,
bear witness and support these two in their commitment before one another, the Gods and all living beings gathered here.
Let none enter this circle who carries within them malice or ill will to our purpose or to the union we celebrate today.

Walk With Me
by Munda

Walk with me, the path of life,
to explore every bend of the road
Enjoy with me the beauty of life,
along its wonderful way

Find comfort with me, in each other's arms,
when grief crosses our path
Find strength with me, in each other's strength,
when despair lies in wait

Laugh with me, a single true laugh,
to enlighten another's distress
Cry with me, a single true tear,
to understand true happiness

Cherish with me, the wonders of life,
as they need to be preserved
Rejoice with me, in the mysteries,
of what is yet to be

Find peace with me, in each other's souls,
when the world has gone insane
Find love with me, in each other's hearts,
until this life has been fulfilled

And when the path comes to an end
I hope we can say from within
We've known the beauty of true love,
our love came from within


We are come together in this place to witness the vows and gifts of two people in love: Lorelei and Justin
They wish to enter the sacred bonds of marriage together and to live in that state for the rest of their lives.
They have found their desires sincere and their love true.
Lorelei and Justin have chosen each other as partners and lovers,
and the choice seems obvious and right to those who know them both.
It is clear that they share so much: love and laughter, passion and curiousity,
a sense of adventure and their deep commitment to each other.
Their love, like any love between committed and responsible adults,
is a reflection of that infinite, divine love which embraces us all.
They have chosen to name their love and to honor it.
Your support and sharing of their love, and their life together, will make the journey together fuller and richer.
They are glad that you, the people they love, are here to share as they celebrate the abundant harvest of their love.
We ask that you give them your love and support both now and in the years to come. For this, they thank you.


Is everyone in the circle who wishes it?I will now cast and seal the circle.
None may enter or leave without my permission.
World within, world without, cast the circle round about.
World without, world within, let us hold the magic in. Let us hold the love, hold the beauty, hold the joy,
hold the magic,; hold the love, hold the beauty, hold the joy, hold the magic ...
As we will, so mote it be. The circle is sealed.


EAST: Be with us here, O powers of Air! Shaper of the wave! Shaper of the land! Shaper of our lives!
Your bring freshness to the spring, Warm winds to summer, Cool breezes to autumn, Violent storms to winter. Yours is freedom, flux.
The wind blows where it will. The sky is your playground, and the rules are different each day.
Bearer of news, Blow through us, swift and clean. Bringer of Change, Be our Witness.

SOUTH: Be with us here, O powers of Fire! Leap high! Shine bright, Source of light and inspiration!
You are sparks flashing from a blacksmith's forge and the terrible swift lightning slashing through darkened skies.
You are the roaring flames of the forest fire. and the comfortable warmth of the hearth.
You are the steady nuclear furnace of the sun and the flame of the candle, flickering in the wind.
You are the crucible of transformation and the flash of creativity. You are Love and Light.
Persistent, yet fragile; Eternal, yet fleeting; Ever hungry, ever feeding. Giver of Passion and Pain, Be our Witness.

WEST: Be with us here, O powers of Water. Soft snow. Pattering rain. Hard ice. Still pond. Silent well.
Tinkling fountain. Nimble creek. Bubbling stream. Rushing river. Raging flood. Restless ocean. Glistening rainbow.
You are the bright sunlit shoals and the silent deeps that no storm may touch. From your womb was life first born.
Currents of water, Currents of life, Cleansing all, Healing all, May you never cease to flow. Sustainer of Life, Be our Witness.

NORTH: Be with us here, O powers of Earth. The richness of soil. The permanence of stone.
The glitter of crystal. The orange glow of lava. The swift grains of sand.
Yours is the tranquility of green sunlit valleys and the sudden violence of earthquake and volcano.
From your being we draw endurance and strength. From your bounty we gather our food.
Nestled in your arms we build our homes. Secure in your love we build our lives. Together. Mother of mountains, Be our Witness.