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- Pets and whatnot -

Scotty McBaggpipes - Forsaken Tuesday

George - Aaron Jr.

- Guilds Memberships -
these are all the guilds i'm proud to be a member of ^.^


- Other cool places in Gaia -
Fetusmart not technically in gaia, but it is run by someone there ~nods~
Disco's Tattoo and Piercing Parlor - the name says it all....

- Some other places I like to go -
Chathouse, it's fun and free!
The White Stripes offical site
AlbinoBlackSheep... the greatest little place for humor and games!
Gunbound... Like Namuu once said, nothing like bombing the hell out of someone to upbeat music to really turn your day around...

- Randomness -

One day, this page will be a thing of great beauty... a thing to be awed.... a thing... to take up a lot of the free time i seem to always have... ~L~

love me? tell me!! ^.^