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Kimiee's Homepage

Ok here is a lil bit of a better pic so everyone can see me.

Here is a pic of my purdy tongue...LoL

This is me,my 8 yr.old and my 4 yr.old I couldn't get Lanie to sit still long enough to get her in the pic...LoL

Here is a pic of me,my 2 yr old and my 4 yr old...Aren't they so precious looking? LoL Well don't let looks fool you!!LoL Don't look too hard at me trust me I will scare you!! LoL

This is my 8 yr.old Taylor...Yes I know she looks just like me....poor child...Nah I think she is beautiful. = )

Here is one more of Taylor.

This is my 4 yr.old son Jacob,isn't he so handsome? Well I think he is!! LoL = )

Here is another pic of Jake..He thinks he is all that and more...LoL = )

This is Lanie my 2 yr old...Isn't she beautiful? Well who cares what you think I think she is...LoL = )

Here she is again...Momma's girl!!

Here is one of all 3 of them..Momma's lil devils...LmAo = )

Here is one more of them Lanie is being silly and so is Jake...Gotta love kids...LoL

Well here is some of my sure to stop in every once in a while to see if I have updated this page.

And this is for all the nosey ppl that wanna know about other ppl's lives...LoL....and as you can see I have 3 beautiful kids...I am 26..and I live near Shelby,NC...If there is anything else you wanna know just ask me...My kids are my life and they always come first no matter what!!

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