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name: Joey Wheeler [Jounochi Katsuya]
birthday: February 3
age: 14
sign: aquarius
status: single... for now
grade: freshman
school: Domino High School
family: sister-Serenity
hobbies: duel monsters
personality: funny, loyal, sweet, clumsy
friends: Yugi, Tristan, Tea, Bakura, Mai

Joey is a very sweet and courageous kid. Once being a punk and picking on kids [like Yugi], he is now learning true values in life. With help, Yugi has been teaching him to never give up on something that you believe in, and also teaching him the "heart of the cards." Thanks to all of that, Joey had gotten very far in the Duelist Kingdom Tournament but lost against Yugi. But with the friends he has, Yugi has given him the money to help Joey's sister, Serenity, out with her operation. With the money, he hopes to get Serenity's eyesight back to normal, so he could take her once more to the beach. Even though Joey can be very clumsy and not that bright, Joey is loyal to the fullest till the very end.