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lol, look at Joey dance!!

"Talk to the hand Mai!" haha, it looks like it!

This one is kinda scary because it looks like he's looking at the camera! :-/ FREAKY!

I'm hungry!! tehehe

He's going for it!

omg... geezums Joey!

He's a little TOO hungry!

Joey isn't the only one that looks funny... :D

"He he he..." I think Joey has a plan!

Evil Joey!!

He looks just like Bones!! nahh...

Yugi ~ "What are you doing??"

"What the heck?!"


"What just happened?"

Poor Joey...


ah... Joey doesn't hate Mai. We all know it ;)

lol, look at his face :P

Don't get mad now Joey!

lol, scary Joey!

"Huh?" again...

aww... POOR JOEY!!

No comment...


All three of them are just like... what?!


haha! Tristan and Joey... aww!

"ewww!!" lol

Clueless... tehehe!

Doesn't know what's going on!

grr! Show those muscles!! lol

On the ground... again...

How... sad?

Don't get mad now Joey!

lol, SMOOCH!

He looks so cute! ^_~

Scared Flame Swordsman... yeah!

hehe, funny Joey!

What happened to my face?! :p

lol, yummy flies!

Looks like he just saw a zombie!!

Uh, yeah...

grrr... mad Tea! AND JOEY!

AW! It looks cute! :p But it's still funny

Nice facial expressions right there!

Not hungry anymore?

ohh WATCH OUT FOR CHUNKS!!! Thanks Younker!!!

oh, snnneeaky! Thanks Younker for the pictures!

This one is just so adorable! Thanks Younker!! I love the picture!

oh my gosh!! Thanks once again Younker!!

AWWWWWW!!! lol, he's so cute! Thanks Younker sooo much!!

Uh... that's cute? Joey is some guy! Thanks Younker!!!!