The Creator

I am 17 years old.  I live in a house.  I go to school.  I sleep, eat, and talk on the phone.  No, wait... I don't talk on the phone.  I hate phones.  I only use them for emergencies and other important things... like hitting my brother over the head.  Sometimes I work... sometimes I don't.  All the jobs I've had have been seasonal.  I refuse to list them.  My most recent job was the Ohio Renaissance Festival.  I will go back to working there this summer.  At Ren Faire, I am loud and obnoxious on a fence.  I command you to do things and you will do them or else...  I always win.  I also stalk people there.  If you interest me, I will try to bug the hell out of you.  I get paid for it.  Outside of Faire, I am not as loud... as a matter of fact, you can rarely hear me unless I really need to be heard.  I keep to myself and have few friends... but I like it that way.  I have a lovely boyfriend named Chris.  I met him at Faire.  I never want to let him go.

I listen to music.  The list of some of the bands I listen to is in the links page.

I have a sickening love for Mexican food.

I enjoy writing.

I plan on going to film school.

I kind of play guitar... I suck.

My guitar's name is Billy... after Billy Idol.

And you now know way too much about me than I would like.


Expect this page to disappear in the near future.
