The Sweet Kotton-Kandy-Kiss of Transcendental Bliss...

Hello my sweet petAls of Teenage Bliss. I Am your host, Dr. Elegy, and I will be guiding you through this god-forsaken website with these plAces they give me to write pArAgraps. Through this LOVELY and VEXATING Asylum I shAll show "eh" cAvernous glimspe into the mind of one trippy A$$ FrEaK. All you gottA do is move your mouse and punch a few keys, so broAden your horizons and begin your journey through my wicked house of insAnity.

Follow the Leader to....

Poems for the Patients
(Patient 0003230759) Kittie Gacy
(Patient 0002398752) Angel Kronic
(Patient 0008309160) Summer Noi

Why Do People Have Children?
