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(( Nothing can be heard but the sound of rain pouring down outside, and the occasional bolt of lightning crashing down. Everybody knows the aroma of a church, it has such a distinct scent. The pews, filled every Sunday by the community, looked a lot larger then normal being as they were completely vacant. In fact the entire church seemed gigantic being so empty. The stain glass windows seemed kind of plain with no sunlight shining in through them to show off their beautiful colors. And the church, in its entirety, had a somewhat gold tint to it despite the majority of the lights being out. The mood was very calm and peaceful . . . ))

(( A man is kneeling at the altar, as we are currently facing his backside. We can see his jet black hair flowing down to the shoulders of his black leather trench coat. After a few moments, the man lifts his head up and blesses himself. ))

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

(( The man rises to his feet and turns around. The face paint looks a lot different then usual. The black lines appear to be longer and more detailed, and instead of white, the backdrop of the face is painted gold, matching the trim on Genesis' black gloves. He slowly strolls down the steps and makes a left before reaching the front pew, making his way over towards the stained glass windows. Genesis dips his hand into his trench coat pocket, pulling out a single Newport 100 and a lighter. This type of cigarette didn't come by the pack. As he lights his dampened cigarette, he takes a deep drag and exhales with a sigh of relief, enjoying the taste of menthol and embalming fluid. Genesis reaches the confessional booth. He enters the semi-lit room, and takes a seat behind the sliding face door. It's sad that the majority of "Christians" are so ashamed of their wrongdoings, that they have to hide their face from the person who is supposed to making their wrong's right. ))

"I really don't know why I'm the bad guy. People sell their soul to the devil all of the time. Hundred dollar suits, thousand dollar cars, million dollar homes. If you created everybody equal, then why is it that a green piece of paper can be what a person's life is solely judged upon. Friendships end, betrayal occurs, everybody is so willing to sell their soul to the devil for a quick dollar. When you created everything, why would you make temptation so powerful? Men and women fall in love with each other and promise each other loyalty every single day, until one of them gets a taste of the forbidden fruit and is unfaithful. The temptation is the devil, just like the snake was in the story of creation. Everybody craves what they do not or can not have, and you made it that way on purpose. The creatures that you created are animals. People sell drugs to children, not caring that they could be the reason they die, but instead only caring about making fast money and whatever benefits themselves. Shit, I used to buy these cigarettes for 20 dollars a piece, until I learned how to dip them myself . . ."

"You're supposed to be the almighty, yet nobody feels any wrath from you for sinning. The world is filled with nothing but wrong, and you still refuse to make it right. You just sit back and watch, it's honestly ridiculous. People disobey you all of the time, they spit in your face. The 10 Commandments are nothing but a big joke. Nobody goes to Church, nobody obeys who they should, nobody cares about speaking your name in vein. And they shouldn't care, why would they, they won't be punished. What are they supposed to be afraid that if they don't follow your rules that after they die they are going to burn for eternity? Come on, nobody believes in that shit . . ."

"You gave everybody the power of free will, the ability to make choices for themselves. That idea is bad enough as it is, but to top it all off you always have to be Mr. Forgiveness. They can't all really buy into that can they? I mean do these people really honestly think that they can commit sin after sin on a regular basis, and come sit in this little booth once in a blue moon and tell a man what they have done, and afterwards all that they did suddenly is forgotten? I know you don't forgive them, and that's why I do what I do. I clean up all of your mistakes, I give them the wrath that they deserve for giving into the temptation, and it hasn't been difficult even one time yet, every single one of them chooses the easy way out with no hesitation."

(( Genesis takes another big drag of his long-burning cigarette, inhaling the fumes and holding them deep in his chest. After he exhales, he just kind of stares through the sliding door of the confessional, eyes focused on the chair where the priest would be sitting. His eyes are opened very wide, taking some of the attention off of his oddly painted gold and black face. After being zoned out for a minute, he comes back to his senses, speaking in an extremely raspy voice and appearing to be feeling the affects of his "Sherm Stick". ))

"None of them have dreams, they all waste the unique talents you gave each and every one of them, and spend their lives working jobs that don't allow them to make an impact on the world like you made them all to. They don't care about their legacy or the plans you had for them. All they care about is themselves. They see the world in black and white just as I always did. But now my once dark dreams, have become golden. . ."

"Last week, Kross may have fucked my plans at having my first taste of gold. But all that did was open up another door for me. Despite being the wisest, and most talented technical wrestler in GCW, I am also the most extreme. Therefore, the way-point to my newly found destiny will lead me to the first gold I have ever known. The Xtreme Championship."

(( Genesis drops his cigarette on the ground and stomps it out with his foot in an unordinary slow speed, as the scene comes to an end. ))