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Face strong opposition, inner conflict, and obstacles in life. Tough fighter and survive difficult circumstances. Used to meeting challenges and facing adverse situations caused by the grudges and enmity of family and relatives. Is devoid of peace in life because of martial nature. Creates bad feelings with  kith and kin and do not enjoy good marital relationships. Earns money through unfair means and do not care for the ethical norms of society. Financially benefited by wars, revolutions, and social up heavals. Suffers from tensions, instabililty. Becomes vicious, move in bad company, and enjoy being rough and sometimes cruel. If non-violence lesson is learned,  marks on history can be made. Inventive, creative, analytical, and very sensitive. A builder and can build just about anything. Greatest lesson is learning to wait. Don't push, don't argue, be patient, it is just a matter of time. If learns about the world and how it may be of help and service to others, it is capable of charming the whole world if only it learns to smile. Has an extra ordinary talent for being in the right place at the right time, often by accident. If anything is allowed to get close , that thing will be there forever. The trouble is, the harsh, critical facade  puts up drives everything away.