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The complete works of Shakespeare according to Spork the Dork Jester

'Hey welcome to my website!' Oh that's boring I couldn't have come up with something better? 'Come one come all to the most exciting site the net has to offer!' No a little to Barnum and Bailey circus like! 'Hear ye! Hear ye! By decree of the queen this site hath been declared one of the most interesting site's on the net!' OOH I like that one!
Well what ever the intro to my page let me introduce myself! I am the one the only...Spork the Dork Jester! ::silence:: Good people don't all crowd in for an autograph all at once, there's plenty of time!
Ok, Ok, yeah I know I'm delusional! Well anywho, I decided this was a easy way to display some writing and other random thoughts! so yeah! This will be filled with my writing unless otherwise stated!!!! Lov ya all!!! and as always...::gives a rather extreme lavish bow::...Spork the Dork Jester at your service, it's my job to turn your frown upside down! :-p (And what would make you say that I am a Shakespeare freak!?!?!)

My pages are only in the rough draft stage and things will be changing! So far the only link I have is to my diary! go there have fun!

Feeling on the moment according to The Bard

The acts

Hell is better than this