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What to say about me, hmmm. I'm not really really that good at talking about myself.

I like to think of myself as a modest, quiet, caring guy, but thats not always true. I can be a loud rude prick sometimes.

My name is Jeremy, and i'm from Michigan. I'm 27 years old, and currently unemployed ugh. Some of my hobbies include Reading, writing, drawing, poetry. I love music of all types.

I chat on Yahoo on a regular basis, and have made some great friends there.

Trinity, she is from Australia, great friend, we have some great chats, and I hope the best for her and her boyfriend when she comes to the states.

Luna, A person I can count on for honest advice. We both share a love of music. She is really a great person, and worth getting to know.

Tinkerbell, One of my best friends online. She is someone I can have a serious conversation with, or just have a good ol time :p

Brniidgrl, A great person. I talk with her on a daily basis. We often share mp3's now that I have broadband.

lil bangin slut bunny, Another great person online. She is a trip to be around, and she knows how to make ya laugh. She is really sweet, but i do not reccomend getting on her bad side :D

Aussie angel for you, This is one of Trinity's best friends. She is a friend of mine also, and a very sweet lady. If you ever need someone to talk to, this is the person.

There are alot more friends that i chat with online, and they will be added in the near future.