.::The Priestess of Remuda::.
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Hey evryone! Ok, so here is Artemis' past from when she was 4 years old till when she was 20 years old. Eh, it could probably be longer, but I got lazy. If you still have questions about Artemis when you've read this, just ask me! Hope you like it!! ^_^

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"Momma, it's happening again!" the young wolfess tugged at her mother's skirt.
The older wolven looked down sharply at her. "Shhh! I told you, do not speak of that in public!"
The younger one persisted. "But Momma, there is going to be a terrible storm tonight. I see it! Many of the village dwellings will be destroyed!"
Her mother leaned down and put a paw over her daughters maw. "Be quiet!" She growled harshly at her. "Oh look, your eyes have turned white again. Quickly, close them tight and I'll take you home." She swooped up her daughter and quickly led her away, avoiding eye contact with the other tribe members.
That night there was a horrendous storm, just as the young Artemis had foreseen. As she had said, a number of the tribe members' dwellings were reduced to nothing more than a pile of debris. Fortunately, no one was killed.
As the sun rose on the next day, the villagers began the tedious task of rebuilding their homes. Artemis watched them as she passed by on her way to her home. Some of them halted their work to stare at her. Some of them even whispered to one another under their breaths and pointed. Artemis just kept walking, her footfalls melancholy and labored and her ice blue orbs turned to the ground. She had reached the doorway to her home and stopped. She heard voices speaking within. She stood by the door and listened. Somehow she knew they were talking about her.
One voice was the voice of her mother. "This has happened for the last time and I'm putting my foot down."
The other voice was that of her father. "I agree. Some of the villagers are starting to suspect. We can't hide her forever."
Her heart jumped as her older brother Apollo spoke up. "But it is not her fault. She does not wish for the visions to come. She has barely seen four winters for pity's sake! I'm sure if you just explained to them-"
"And do you honestly believe they will understand?"
There was a long silence. Then her mother spoke again. "Look Apollo, the bottom line is she is a nuisance. The longer she stays here, the more danger we put her in. I'm sick of always protecting her and making excuses on her behalf. No. My mind is made up. She has to leave."
Artemis sunk down to the ground in a crouch. She was in a state of shock. Her mother's harsh words rang in her ears. She couldn't believe her own parents, the very creatures that gave her life, would want to cast her out. Then she felt the warmth of hope as her brother spoke up again.
"Then leave me in charge of her. I have heard of a place a ways away from here. A place which teaches creatures like Artemis to control the visions and live normal lives. I will take her, with your permission." There was silence and Artemis imagined her parents, frowns on their faces as they considered his proposal.
"Very well." her father spoke. "You may take her there. Lord knows she can't stay here."
Artemis sat outside the door feeling shocked. Then the shock turned to sadness. The sadness turned to anger, and the anger turned to bitterness. As far as she was concerned, she had no parents.

* * *

"You're going to love it there, Arty! I hear it's really beautiful." Apollo said to Artemis. He took her small hand in his larger one as they traveled through the woods by foot. Even though she had only 4 years to his 17, they shared a special bond between them.
"I hope so, Ollie." she smiled up at him. She felt so comforted and protected walking by her brother's side. She trusted him with her life and believed every word he said.
Apollo looked down at his sister and frowned, studying her face. "You know, you really can't be mad at them. They were only doing what they thought was best for you."
She stopped walking and stared back up at her brother. "Oh, so now you're on their side? Why don't you just leave me here and go back to your beloved parents!"
"Artemis, that's not what I ment and there's no need to raise your voice."
She murmmered, almost to herself, "Just drop it, ok? They're dead to me." And she began walking again.
She loved the fact that they had the chance to spend so much time together that she didn't care where they were going. They spent their days laughing and joking and talking to one another as they grew ever closer to their destination.
Then, the day finally came. After 6 days of travel, they saw the place on the horizon. "Come on, there it is!" Apollo said excitedly as he pointed to it and his footfalls quickened. Artemis felt the uncertainty and fear of the unknown grow inside her. Yet, she trusted her brother and would go with him anywhere. As they became closer, Artemis saw that it was a series of great stone buildings carved right into a mountain face which created a stunning view.
Suddenly Artemis stopped. She clutched to her brother's arm. "I'm scared, Apollo. I don't wanna go to that scary place anymore." She looked up at him with her big blue orbs. Apollo smiled down at her and then at the dwelling. It was still a good half day's journey away and the sun was already starting to set in the west.
"Ok, you win. I was always a sucker for blue eyes." He joked. "We'll camp out here one more night. But then it's off to the temple, got it?" She nodded and gave Apollo a big hug.
That night, Artemis had a dream. A beautiful pure white tiger clothed in luxurious elegant robes came to her. She spoke to Artemis in a lovely soothing voice.
"Do not fear me, young Artemis. You can not change your destiny. So why not accept it?" The white tiger's voice faded along with her figure until she was gone, and Artemis was no longer afraid.

* * *

Artemis and Apollo were led through the temple by two young wolven, who looked about 15. None of them spoke any words as the maidens led them. The inside of the temple looked like an underground cave. They passed through many magnificent hallways, enormous in size and exquisitely adorned with crude ancient cave paintings. Artemis just gaped with her eyes wide. They took many turns and went through many passages. Finally, they stopped at a large doorway. The maidens gestured for them to go in.
It took their eyes a minute to adjust to the darkness of the room from the well-lighted hallway. But one thing was unmistakable to miss; the white shillohute of a female tiger. She was sitting comfortably in a crudely made chair with her back to Artemis and Apollo. As the room came into view, they also noticed a large fireplace on the left side and a huge luxurious bed in the back of the room.
The tiger spoke, and as she did, Artemis thought the voice sounded familiar. "Welcome Apollo and young Artemis. I see you've made a safe journey." She stood and walked toward them. She closed her eyes and brought a paw to her chest. "I am Nui, high priestess of Remuda Temple, where you stand now. I've been expecting you." She noticed Artemis cling to her brother, a frightened look on her face. She stooped down to her level and smiled reassuringly. "Do not fear me, Artemis. You can not change your fate. So why not accept it?"
Then Artemis knew. It was the tiger from her dream. She loosened her grip on her brother, and took the waiting paw of Nui. "Do not worry, Apollo. She will be safe here. There are others like her. We teach them to control foresight, as well as other things such as the healing arts. It will be long, arduous training, but it will be worth it. Come now, Artemis. Let's get you fitted in your robes.E
As she was being led out of the room, Artemis turned back and took one last look at Apollo. She smiled and waved to him. "Bye, Ollie! I'm gonna be ok." Apollo waved back, wiping a tear from his cheek. She didn't know that would be the last time she ever saw him.

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Artemis speaks: How do you write the making of a priestess? What is not obvious is secret. Those who have walked that road will know, and those who have not will know through I should write down all the forbidden things. Seventeen times the winter shriveled us all with cold. The sight came easily. Nui said I was priestess-born. It was not easy to bid it come when I willed and only when I willed, and to close the gates of the sight when it was not fitting I should see.
It was the small magics which came the hardest, forcing the mind to walk in unknown paths. To call the fire and raise it at command, to call the mists, to bring rain-- all these were simple, but to know when to bring rain or mist and when to leave it in the hands of God, that was not so simple. Other lessons there were, at which my knowledge of foresight were useless: the herb lore, and the lore of healing, the long songs of which not a single word would ever be written. Each day was more challenging than the last, and each day bent my spirit to the breaking point.
Hardest of all, perhaps, was learning to accept the ways of life etched into my mind forever. The seventeen years I spent there has ruined my outlook on life in general. I was taught to have no enemies, no alliances, but to be peaceful and neutral in all respects. I was taught to keep my emotions to myself and only express what was proper. I can not love. I have never had love in my life, and now I am afraid to get close to anyone.
But I have learned to admit to these attributes, and this is how I have chosen to live my life. Though I would give anything and everything to be that carefree young creature once more, traveling safe at Apollo's side. He was the only one who ever really cared for me and my well being. Even Nui, at times, could be cruel. I will never forget him and he will always be in my heart.

About the picture: The backgournd picture is of Artemis drruing her priestess training at Remuda Temple. For a better version, go here.