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Everyday (Also, Bug's page about all of my family and friends)

Hi there everyone, it's me. lol I don't ever expect anyone to see this site so I'm just having fun. My name is Eden, also known as Bug, or Bugaroo (or Little Bug), or Princess, or Rosy Cheeks, and I'll be your host for today. Oh, and, This site was designed by "Bug Designs", just to let you know. lol Also, incase your wondering, I kow "Everyday" is an unusual title, but it was either that or "My Site", and just how many sites do you think are called "My Site"? "Everyday" is much more original. And "freak2/", um lol well, people tell me I'm very odd, so I figured it fit.


About Me
My Familly
My Friends
Favorite links of mine
A poem I wrote
A drawing of mine