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Stupid Conspiracies and Complaints

Stupid Conspiracies and Complaints


12's poetry corner


(11-23-02)Hello. Sorry. How paranoid are you Quiz

(8-16-02)Hello again. I think Olivetrons is finally getting started on her page, but don't expect anything for a while.

I just put somemore quotes on twelves poetry corner. Whenever I update it, I'll be sure to put the newest quote in red and the rest below it will be new too. E-mail me if you know who said the "unknown" quotes, or if I got it messed up so far.

So I was in Science class the other day, and my teacher was talking about job rankings, and I was shocked that "Lumber Jack" came at the bottom. He said that at this day and age, we are hardly using paper, so the business is hurting. (which is why the post office raised the price of stamps...I'll get back to this) What I don't get, is why he said that! I mean, we use a lot of paper products still to this day! For example, I am sick right now, and must have gone through a good 4 boxes of tissues in 2 days. And I know I'm not the only person in the world who has a cold. And isn't toilet paper made of paper?? Hence the 'paper' in 'toilet paper'? I mean, how can the lumber jack business be hurting when almost everybody uses toilet paper in the entire world? I mean, it's not like we can wipe our asses with a palm pilot or something.

But man, thank god for tissues. What would I wipe my bloody-and-green-boogars on right now if it wasn't for em? And they come in such pretty boxes too... I used so many, I think I can cut them up and use them as wallpaper for my entire room right now. Don't you just hate it when your sick and you need a tissue like every minute? Why haven't they come up with something that you stick up your nose and it takes out all the snot? Which leads me to wonder why they haven't found a cure for the common cold. Lets see, we have how many kids that are born geniuses now a days, and I haven't heard anything that they have done that is so great! So far, the only good thing is for my teacher, who can constantly nagg me cause a 5 year old can kick my ass in a speeling bee. Actually.. I think anyone could beat me in a speeling bee. Well, I'm gonna take a pee right now, and if your reading this Jenn, then I hope we both get well soon!

(8-13-02)Hey, not much time to talk, but I just added a new link... these guys have a conspiracy that dinosaurs are actually still alive!! They even have photos... very cool. I'm sure Olivia will like this. Don't forget to sign the guestbook!

Hello Folks. From now on, I decided I would put the newer entries at the top, so the next entry is my first one, then the next is the second entry, and this is the third entry. I think subconciously I did this on purpose, but I don't really know.

Damn it, I started school again. That really sucks. I hate my classes too. Got the worst lady for english. Some Psychotic too.

Mrs. Fujii-"okay class, now lets go over the words. We will have a vocabulary test every friday with 25 new words--"

Some Ditz-"Excuse Me! Mrs. Fujii, I didn't get a paper!"

Mrs. Fujii-"DON'T EVER INTERRUPT SOMEONE WHILE THEY ARE TALKING!!! THAT'S SOMETHING CALLED RUDE YOU KNOW!!"(hands her a paper)"DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN!! Now class, where was I? Abstract-Not easy...."

My god, that women is a complete nutcase. Once she was done with that, we all kinda looked at each other, and if she wasn't talking so loud, I bet we could hear a pin drop. And now poor Mikan has been transfered to my class. The nut case seemed so nice in the beginning... She was like some kinda Lady Une from Gundam Wing... Without the glasses she is this peace promoting freak, and with them on and the hair in the shape of a bun, she goes off blowing up colonies. What's with the bun thing anyway? And how does she do it? She doesn't have very long hair... she shouldn't be able too. Maybe their the glue on kine... yeah, she probably bought em at spencers and has the little antarage hook it on to her ears and then glue em on. Opps... getting a little off topic there.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I UPDATED the Twelves Poetry Corner and it's not really poetry, but I did put in a few funny quotes from my common place from last year. Speaking of which, was a daily homework assignment from my stupid ex-english teacher. This was another insane one. Then again, you kinda need to be insane to teach english! This one sorta waddled up steps, so we always refered to her as the penguin. What was really bad was that she wore spandex pants and was pretty scary looking. And she would always forget to assign us something, and expect us to have it done by the next day. When we insisted that she didn't assign it to us, she would say, "No! I did! Your just trying to confuse me so you can have another day to do it!" but she would eventually give us the next night to finish whatever bone-headed assignment she gave us. In the beginning of the year, we had to pick what day our common place would be due, and we picked wednesday, which was the day we didn't have her class. She agreeded to have this day as our due day, and we got away without turning in our CP for a week before she realized it.

One day we asked her how she chose to be an English teacher, and she said that she wanted to do it ever since she was in the 3rd Grade. This made me wonder what P.E. teachers thought about when they were kids. Did they just think, "Hey, I want to be a teacher, but I don't want to read. I want to make my students life a living hell by making them run outside in 95 degrees weather on the track, and watch them shower afterwards."

Damn, what is it like if your a teacher and your students come in high? That must be tough. You want them to pay attention, but that's impossible. You could try sending them to the principle, but you know that on the way they'll forget where they were going and end up getting lost, and then their stupid parents who never paid attention to them until now will sue your ass because they think you kidnapped their kid.

Damn, what would it be like if YOUR teacher came in High? Now THAT would be a fun class! Even if it gets to be a violent high, as long as they don't bother me then I'd be happy! Imagine what would happen if the principal decides to do a routine visit that day and walks in on the teacher trying to fly off his desk and using the test answers as a hat.

Well, I'm really tired now and I think I should go to bed, cause tommorrow is Sunday, and I have quite a bit of homework to do. I am a professional procrastinator, thank you very much, and I don't want to get started too late on sunday. See ya! Don't forget to look at my quotes and vote in my poll!

Hello and welcome to this complete waste of internet space! With your host, Twelve! Just a note to the readers/listeners, I can't speel. Yeah.

Anyway, today is Sunday, July 28th, 2002. Most normal people know this already, but for those of you who are caught in a time warp and would like to know the day and stuff, there you go. Come back later. I also put that on there because I heard I'm suppose to when I make an update. Something about records. Yeah. They probably just want me to write the records because they are aliens conducting a research on us humans as if we are stupid little guiney pigs. GUINEY PIGS!!

Many of you may wonder where all my stupid conspiraciys started from. I think I adapted the human nature of Jeffrey Goines from the movie "12 MOnkEyS!" That was an awesome movie. I will admit, I am a bit of a Brad Pitt fan, but that was his best (and probably most fun) performance yet! Then again, his role in "Fight Club" was pretty insane too, but 12 MONKEYS was better. But you know, he wasn't really insane in 12 monkeys! I still don't know why they put him in the asylum in the first place. I mean, we all get off the topic every once in a while, and we all get a little overly excited, but no! They think he's crazy and throw him in the brig! I just don't know why! So he was a little clean-freaky-ish, but who cares!?

I should probably put a chat room on this, or some kind of freak'n post-it-note-board or something, but I don't know how, so you will all have to discuss my topics on your own time. Yeah.

I'm going to stop here for tonight/whatever time zone your in, because it seems whenever I type alot, my comp freezes up on me and I would have to type it out all over again. I really hate that. By the way, I'm putting a conspiracy link I found in this book (prepare for a long title) "Dancing Hamsters, Gothic Gardening, and Cyber Conspiracies. The 501 Funniest, Craziest & Most Bizarre Web Sites You'll Ever See!" Long title or what? They must just want me to have to take so long to type that out that my comp freezes and I have to re type all this crap again. Yet another conspiracy. Lets see, thats (score time!)4 conspiracys and complaints in this little day log thing. If any body else disagrees, then don't email me at I should warn you though, I don't check my mail that often, and I have my mail box set to exclusive so if I don't check it every week, your mail is deleted. If I don't answer back, it's either I haven't checked my mail for a while, or that I am just ignoring you. But you won't need to worry about any of this anyway, because I asked you NOT to email me, which I'm sure you'll do just for the hell of it now that I've written it. Yeah. Until next time, read this over and over again till you can memorize it. Yeah.

Okay folks. Today is Wednesday, July 31st, 2002. All hell is rising! Tommorrow, my fellow peers and I will be starting school! AHHHHH!!!! Why god? Why??? I don't know why I'm putting question marks, cause the font doesn't have the character anyway.

Sorry, I was going to write more entries over the past 2 days, but this stupid computer freezes up on me every ten minutes. As a matter of fact, you may never read this anyway!! Maybe there is a computer nerd some where that doesn't want me to publish this site.. no, it's the government! They don't want me to say anything cause it's all actually true! Ha ha!

Speaking of truth, I really hope that school is cancled tommorrow due to some deadly heat wave. It's been so hot here lately, I go to tennis practice and me and Mikan have sweat dripping down our legs as we do our 10 ball shuttles! It's so not cool! NOT COOL! NOT COOL!

Gotta go now. Please sign the guest book and play with the poll... I just got it from HTML GEAR!! YAH!!! Bye! Feedbackget this gear!

twelves poetry corner /Olivia's Stories (be afraid.. be very afraid...)

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Coming Soon (I hope)

  • My friend Olivias stories
  • My FanFictions on GW and maybe my own series... WOO HOO!

Links n Crap

Angelfire - Free Home Pages(I guess the sponser should be named)
The Conspiracy of EVIL LASSIE!!!
This is a good one, they think Dinosaurs are still alive
