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Corset Page

Corsets, I love them. The beauty of them, the look of them, the feel of them. Everything about them I love. And yet, I don't own one. Why, you ask? Well the reason is simple. They don't come in my size, remember I'm very small to begin with..and most manufacterors don't think of us little people. However there is a link at the bottom of my site that goes to a very lovely site that explains how to make your own corsets. It gives detailed step by step instructions.

Now the reasons I love corsets so much varies. First, they just look pretty. Second, they feel wonderful, they're really not as painful as they look. Third, I have a love of Victorian, and 1800s time periods. And finally, I think maybe I'm holding over some feelings from a past life, but that's just my personal theory.

Here are some images of some really lovely corsets. Yes, I did get tem from other sites, but those sites are listed below.

This is one of the most beautiful corsets I've seen yet. It is also my favorite.

This is a lovely corset for those of you interested in the 19-preteen to teen era (Titanic period era and a slightly after). It gives a beautiful shape and this particular one makes it comfortable to sit down in, unlike the authentic ones from the 1912 era.

This corset is a beautiful design. Very pretty, and no straps.

This is the back of the above corset. I figured it back-view picture would be nice to show the lacings.

This is a very nice bridal corset. Definately something for a Victorian-themed wedding.

A lovely underbust corset. Should definately be worn outside a garment.

A beautiful Victorian-style corset. Called a Sweetheart corset, it is very elegant and graceful.

Another beautiful underbust corset. Something w/ a vampyreic theme to it.

Called a Victoria corset, doesn't shape th waist as much as a Victorian corset, but stil very elegant.

Something I will definately have made for buisiness and semi-casual meetings.

Corset Links

Dark Garden A lovely site where I saw some of my favorite corsets. Another lovely site that I ran across in a corset magazine. A site that has information about making your own corsets. Has pictures of home-made corsets. They look like store-bought corsets.

Other links

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