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The Portrait of a Goth Angel/Vampire/DarkLord

That is me, the goth king. People wonder why I chose the goth lifestyle. I chose the goth lifestyle because it seems to fit my personality. I like black, baggy clothes, Slipknot, vampires, demons, makeup, trench coats, and all those things that are typically considered goth. Hopefully one day I will transform into a monster, or a vampire will choose me to become his immortal servant and seek out fellow brother and sister goths. Goth is life, that is all there is to it. Without goth, I don't know what I would do. It makes me be able to express myself, The Goth Underlord. Whenever I walk down the halls at school, people always trip me and call me "freak" and stuff. I don't mind, because they will get what is coming to them. I sit in my basement a lot and pretend that a Ouija board works. One time I think it actually moved a little bit. But, I am not sure, maybe I just blinked. I don't care if me and my 6th grade friends aren't accepted and people make fun of us. That is the price I pay for being the person I love. I hope if you are reading this you will take it to heart and don't be goth just to make a statement. Be goth to be yourself. It took me a long time to finally realize that goth was for me. But once I did, I embraced it and I feel it has made me a better person. Too many people judge from the outside without even getting to know a goth. So, next time you see one of my people, think twice before stereotyping him and give him a chance. Goths have hearts too, even if they are black. LONG LIVE GOTH!

My Favorite things about the Goth Life

My Favorite Goth Friends

My goth friend--he is so goth it hurts
I ran into her site while I was putting on my black trench coat and makeup, she seems like a true goth queen
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