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*-Blondes Revenge Jokes-*

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Heres My Jokes::How many burnet's does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Like, flip on that light switch b***h! Hello? What do you get when you cross a burnet with a carrot top? A frigid b!@#h! Why do people think burnet's are all smart? Because they feel sorry they're so ugly and boring and stupid and almost never get plowed! Yo mama''''''''s so dumb, her favorite color is clear! What do you do if a burnet throws a grenade at you? Laugh at her for acting all butch and breaking her fingernails on it! What do you call 24 burnet's in a box? A case of stuck-up bitches from the ~!@#ian virgin sorority! Burnet's are so stupid that like, they're always fashion season behind. No I'm serious: they'll be wearing Cashmere and leather pants next year. Stupid! Why do burnet's wear glasses? Because they're cranky old lesb~!@ dogs who work at the library store! Tee hee! What did the burnet say to the electrolysis lady? I know, I know - I've got like a total grizzly bear pelt hanging around the edges of my panties! Can you help? You know why men date burnet's? Because they're gay and they think that they have man meat down there! Why don't burnet's give blowj@*s? Because, like, they're too busy taking my order during my HOT DATE! What's the difference between a burnet and dog $*it? NOTHING! Santa Claus, Maya Angelou, Dwight Eisenhower, a pretty burnet, and ME are all walking along and we see $100 on the ground. Who gets it first? Me! Because all the others are totally make-believe! What's the difference between an ugly burnet and an icky lawyer? None! burnet are usually lawyers. You might be a burnet if... you totally have a moustache, skank-@@#$%! Okay true story: there was this burnet once and she was so mega stupid she drank Slim Fast and her "sensible dinner" was pizza! How can you tell if a burnet just had @!~? There's snowmen getting rolled in hell! What did one burnet say to the other burnet? Why don't we just give up and kill ourselves! Oh my god! A burnet walked into a doctors office and didn't even get a nose job or upgrade to a C-cup. Lame! Like, there was this totally dumb burnet who totally walked into Dolce & Gabana, and was all "where are the khakis?" So like this burnet is all wicked mad and is telling her friend that she gave her boyfriend a "piece of her mind" and like, if she was mad, why did she give him oral ~*x? A blonde and a bunet walk into a bar, and like, the burnet orders a beer - and it's domestic! Bud? YUCK! So like a blonde and a burnet were stranded on a desert island… and the dumb burnet was bummed, but like wow! Total tan city! What do you call a burnet with dyed blonde hair? The root of all evil! Get it? Duh! Knock, knock Who's there? A burnet A burnet who? Let me in so I can bore you with how smart I am and then can I beg you to love me because no one will! HA HA HA! Sux on that you burnet **~~@@s And Other funny Jokes Yo mama''''''''s so dumb, her favorite color is clear! What does Hannibal Lecter call Britney Spears? Dinner at Hooters. Yo mama's so fat, when she stepped on the dog's tail we had to change his name to Beaver. How are the New York Jets defense and yo mama alike? You give them a quarter and they'll let you score! Yo mama's so fat, when the cops see her on a street corner they yell, "Hey you guys, break it up!" Yo mama's so fat, even Richard Simmons laughs at her! Things Your Mom Would Never Say to You How on earth can you see the TV sitting so far back? Yeah, I used to cut class a lot too. Let me smell that shirt - don't worry, it's good for another week. Go ahead and keep that stray dog, honey. I'll be glad to feed and walk him every day. That outfit isn't sexy enough, here, unbutton your blouse. Why don't you hitchhike? It would totally be cheaper. The curfew is just a general time to shoot for. It's not like I'm running a prison around here. Don't clean your room so often. It makes the rest of the house look bad. Can I borrow your new speed metal CDs? Naw, you don't have to call me, I'll eventually figure it out if you're in trouble. Yo mama's so fat she makes Godzilla look like an action figure. Hey Everyone Im glad i could just mess around and put these jokes on here please try not to take any of them too seriously They are only jokes Thank You -KKY-