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Girlz sex test

Most of us guyz are raized with double standardz about sex. Guyz kan sleep with az many girlz az they want, and it'z no big deal, but if a girl sleepz with a few guyz, shez a slut. Well jus to give you girlz an example of where we are kommin from, I introduce to you, the Peanut Butter Test.

1. Go get yourself a brand new jar of peanut butter

2. Open the jar and take off that freshness seal shit

3. Look at the top of the peanut butter, itz smooth an kreamy, an you kan't really smell the peanut butter that much

4. Stick 1 finger into the peanut butter

5. Pull out your finger and lick it off (Witness what happenz to your finger, it iz klean)

6. Look at the peanut butter (Notice how your finger left a hole an itz not so smooth an kreamy an tasty lookin anymore)

7. Now, for every sexual partner you have had, put your finger in one more time (ie. 3 partners, put 1 finger in 3 timez)

8. Look at the peanut butter again (Notice how the more you put your finger in there, the more nasty the peanut butter getz, you kan start to smell it more, an well it jus lookz beatup an nasty)

9. Now you know why guyz have double standardz, everytime you pulled your finger out and likked it off, it waz klean, but the peanut butter got messier an messier the more timez you put your finger in it.

**If you don't like peanut butter, or want to simulate what it would be like with a kondom on, just wrap your finger in saran wrap, and then take it off an throw it away after you pull it out, fingerz still klean**

Think bout that peanut butter the next time you get pissed about a double standard, or even the next time you wanna fuk someone else jus for the fun of it. Nobody ever told you life waz fair, but I'll be damned if I am gonna touch a girl thas had a finger in her peanut butter more then a few timez, that shit getz NASTY.

*Thanx to Ryno for the Peanut Butter Test*