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Well people, this is my little blog.... Buy me things

Monday, October 10th, 7:47 pm

Been a long time huh? Well, I'm a senior now and have a lot going on. Right now i'm trying to make a huge decision and it's really hard. I don't know what to do.

Feeling: stressed and crappy
Listening to: Ne-Yo - stay with me

Sunday, April 10th, 8:17 pm

Well well well... Sunday night and here I am avoiding my homework again. I have managed to avoid it all day thus far, but I'm going to give in and head to the library and just do it. I'm on spring quarter now and this is the start of my third week in. And I already have a midterm on Thursday... eViL!!! I go now.

Feeling: ok I guess
Listening to: Frankie J - obsession remix

Saturday, March 5th, 2:01 am

Why do I let it get to me? Sometimes I just wish I had the balls to just end it and save myself the hurt. I wonder if he even sees a future in this. I do, and that is why I wonder if I'm just stupid. Anyway, I'll stop bitching and go lay down in bed and try to sleep after a good cry.

Feeling: depressed
Listening to: Trillville - some cut

Wednesday, February 2nd, 4:47 pm

I never know what to say in these updates anymore...

I had midterms last week and I have another midterm Thursday. They are EVIL!!! Hmmm... I actually went to the gym today and did some cardio. I feel like I'm starting to get a little chubby...

As for my health... all is well! *knock on wood*

My two year aniversity is on V-day... soon. I'm looking forward to that. Ok, I'm out for that.

Feeling: Don't want to do homework... don't want to study...
Listening to: Eminem - like toy soldiers

Sunday, January 2nd, 10:44 pm

Classes start tomorrow... I hate Riverside. I don't wanna be here. I'm in all upper class courses now and we'll see how that goes... only 72 more units to go and I just wanna get it over with. I'm frustrated as all hell with almost every aspect of my life. I hope things work themselves out. Some guy just walked by my window and said he was "fucking faded..." good for you buddy.... atleast somebody is having a good time tonight.

Feeling: blaaaaaaaaah. lonely.
Listening to: Mobb Deep - got it twisted

Tuesday, December 7th, 11:47 am

hmmmmm... been a little while huh? Well, not much is new, I'm in the midde of finals and I'm stressed out.... I still hate riverside. Today was soooo funny. I went to bed last night at 1 am and got up at 7 am because of my philosophy final at 8 am. I made it, took the exam, finished in a little under an hour and came back to my room. I set my alarm, went back to bed, and just got up 45 minutes ago. At first I FrEaKeD out because I thought it was all a dream... until I realized I was wearing my jeans and not pajamas. Then it was ok. I got a paper due by 3 pm today, and it's already done, and I got a study group at 1 pm for my economics final tomorrow morning at 8 am. I do plan to go to sleep earlier though. So it's all good.

Feeling: Not too shabby.
Listening to: Shinedown - burning bright. (I LOOOOOVE this song.)

Tuesday, October 19, 9:02 pm

I had my oral surgery last Friday and I'm still in pain. Saturday was the worst. I had an allergic reaction to the pain pills I was perscribed and couldn't stop throwing up all day. My sister finally took me into the ER that night and I was there for 4 hours on an IV. They gave me something to make me stop throwing up and then they gave me demerol and darvocet. It sucked a lot. Being in the ER is kinda scary.

Other than that... I'm really frustrated with a certain relationship of mine. For some reason it's been really hard for me to deal with the normal shit that has been going on the whole relationship. The last two weeks have been giving me trouble. I just need to stop dwelling on it and deal. I have worked harder than I need to for this to work and I need to put some of that energy toward something else for a while. Maybe that's what I need to do. I don't know. The thought of sticking with it frustrates me and the thought of giving up on it makes me depressed, I don't want to give up on it. UGH!!!

Feeling: could be worse...
Listening to: Velvet revolver - fall to pieces

Tuesday, September 28th, 7:40 pm

Well, I went to the doctors today... and I'm back on antibiotics. The doctor believes I have a minor case of bronchidus. She also says that I have asthma. Good for meeeeeee. So now I have two inhalers to treat it. I'll be going in soon to get my wisdom teeth removed, possibly they will remove all 4. We'll see. I'm off to finish some homework. Oh yeah... I got pictures of my froggie, he's sooooo cute!!!

Feeling: eh... you don't wanna know.
Listening to: a commercial for proposition 70. no comment

Saturday, September 25st, 3:218 pm

Ugh... I'm sick! nooooooo! Woke up this morning with sore throat, swollen gland on the left side of my throat (you can SEE it... eeewwww), extreme fatigue, and muscle aches all over. I feel like crap! Bring me soup? or a movie? or just you?

Feeling: like I was hit by a mac truck last night...
Listening to: Coldplay - Trouble

Tuesday, September 21st, 11:22 am

my fish! my fish! arent they cute? There are only two. the fisrt two pics are of sparks and the last two picks are of spot. i'll get pics of my frog up soon.... he's camera shy. =P

Feeling: sleepy and content
Listening to: Late show with jay leno...

Tuesday, September 20th, 4:25 pm

I moved into my new apartment 10 days ago and I just finally finished unpacking my shit last night... I hope! I've been going to the gym every day the past week and I hope I can keep up my excersize and diet. I know I don't need to loose weight that bad, but it makes me feel good to get in better shape and maybe drop a few pounds. =D

School starts in 2 days.... I have mixed feelings. I'm excited, but then again, i'm not... it's just school. I've reached the half way point and I can almost see the end... not really.

I got 2 betas and an aquatic frog. The betas are sparks and spot, and the frog is Franz. Don't ask me where i came up with the names... it took days! I wanted a hampster too... but they are nocturnal and will keep me up all night by running on the wheel in the cage. Maybe I could not give it a cage... but then it wouldn't be able to excersize... I don't want a fat hampster... aaaaaaaaah, i don't know!!!!!

Feeling: like I am in great need of a shower...
Listening to: the smoke detector beeping. it's loud and annoying and they haven't come to fix it.... DIE!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 7th, 10:30 pm

I'm trying to be good about writing in this thing, though nobody reads it.... weeeeeee. I am now opening the "Amy is broke as fuck" fund. you can send donations to:
123 loser lane
loserville, ca, 00000
but seriously... if you want to give me money, I won't stop you! =P

Feeling: sweepy....
Listening to: Gemini ft. NB ridaz - Crazy for you

Saturday, June 26th, 10:55 pm

yeah, not much to say... in the SC for summer, going to cabrillo college, kicking it... not much else to say. same ole shit going on... buh bye

Feeling: lonely
Listening to: Rockell - say you'll be mine

Thursday, April 8th, 4:06 pm

Well... contrary to popular belief, I did not die. I'm alive and as well as I'm ever going to be. Moving on is more difficult than I want it to be. My feelings are being a pain and not going away.

Anyway... the new quarter is up and running and I am doing my best to not fall behind in my classes. I guess i am doing well so far. I need more hobbies and I need to get off my lazy ass and start working out again.

In other news, my tongue piercing came and went... I took it out for my mommy.... atleast one of us is happy now. I miss it already. Tattoo # 5 is in the works... soon! More news.... I've been having these damn bloody noses every day now... I think there is something wrong with me. Maybe I should go to the doctors again. All they will probably do though is just give me some pills and tell me to get lost. I dont want that, I want to be well for once. I guess my health could be worse, so I should shut my complaining mouth up and just deal. Adios...

Feeling: depressed
Listening to: Frankie J - Don't wanna try

Thursday, March 11th, 6:54 pm

That's it. No more. Never again. I'm done. This hurts like nothing I've felt before, but this is what it has come to. I won't do this to myself any longer. I guess to some people love is not worth fighting for or making a fucking effort for. I won't stick around waiting. I just wanna go home.

I love you with all my heart AJ, but i can't keep doing this anymore. I'm sorry

Feeling: Like I'm going to die.
Listening to: Heather Nova - Paper cup





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