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Squier Samuel's twisted inner workings


The world through my eyes
Angry Teen Links

DUSTIN just contributed the latest ATL. So, he's cool. But, if you don't have an ATL, you're about as cool as George Bush at an anti-war rally. In other words, YOU SUCK! YES! YOU I HATE YOU! YOU SUCK! AND YOU WILL CONTINUE TO SUCK UNTIL YOU CONTRIBUTE A FUCKING ATL! COME ON, PEOPLE! IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO JUST MAKE A FUCKING SIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! I still need angry teen links! PLEASE send me your website. Or the site of someone you know, and I’ll get his or her permission myself. I’m also going to start working on breaking off of angel fire (not that I don’t LOVE my friends ant angel fire who grace me with there lovely advertisements and self promotion to NO END), and getting my own domain registered. And then, if I feel like it, I might just go ahead and use traditional, (if slightly less cool) spelling, for the sake of simplicity. But that’s a LONG way away. I’m still available for contact- you can email me (especially if you have a website you think should be an ATL) at, and you can IM me on AOL instant messenger, My screen name is "Now Sam Says". Anyhow, until next time, Stay Free, ~Sam