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Stuff bout ME!!! (finally)

Shannon Nagy
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---Here's some general info about me, SHANNON ; )
Eye Color: hazelish
Hair Color: itz light brown i swear!
Height: 5'4"
Birthday: July 18, 1988
Pets: cat: Rocky and hamster: P-nut
Lucky Number: 5

---Here are some favorites of mine
Color: Black (and red, and silver, and navy)
Sport: Soccer and Volleyball
Food: Fried Rice
Drink: Sprite
Bands/Singers: THE BEATLES!!! Good Chrlotte, Jimmy Eat World, Sum 41, Blink 182, Linkin Park, Avril Lavigne, Eminem, 50 Cent, Nelly, Ja Rule, Ludacris and Wierd Al
Movies: Yellow Submarine, The Ring, Memento, Matrix, Sixth Sense, Lord of the Rings 1&2, Bandits, Unbreakable, About a Boy, Bourne Identity, MIB 1&2
TV Shows: American Idol, Gilmore Girls, Alias, Home Movies, Oblongs, Mission Hill, Futurama and Spongebob Squarepants