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Okay now for the basic "It wasn't me...I didn't do it" stuff. The graphics contained on this site, unless otherwise stated, were collected by me off the interenet from various other graphics sites. They were all collected from sites that offered--to the best of my knowledge--their graphics free of restristictions of distibution and use. I offer them on this site in that same way. If I do have someone's copyrighted work, which they do not wish shared in this way, I appologize. There must have been a miss-communication somewhere along the line. Just let me know. I can be contacted at I will be more than happy to amend my use of other peoples copyrighted graphics, to suit their needs and desires. I do not wish to steal other peoples work that would just be rude. I dont not make any claims about the graphics which are contributed to my site by others. It is my assumption and hope that these graphics were obtained in the same manner as mine.

I hope to include graphics that I make on this site too. The graphics I make are free for distribution and use in all ways except...You may not sell them in any way, cause they are ment to be free. And if you would like to use them on a comercial site thats okay but please ask permission first and place a link to me on your page. For personal use you do not have to link to me (though it would very much be appreciated) all I ask is that you dont claim that you, or someone else who isnt me, made them.

To answer a few questions about gäybay....
•Why is this a gäybay site?

Because I love the word! How's that for a reason?

•The story behind gäybay?
When I was a little girl (oh, about 2 years ago) it was all the rage to mock and belittle people for their differences. And being that we had nothing better to do, my friends and I decided to adopt that lastest fashion. Thus were born my first experiences with gäybay. Unfortunately this "new" trend took on an unexpected turn when, my friends and I discovered we really liked the word gäybay. Instead of being derogatory word, it became a term of pride. And so gäybay became a term of affection that has stuck with me forever and ever after that. The End.

•Why gäybay and not gaybay?
It's purely an aesthetic choice, actually. The way I have always spelled it. Okay so if you pronounce it like that it sounds funny. But in this day and age, as long as it looks good who cares about the rest? Besides most people dot pay attention to those pronuciation thingys anyway. Do they?

•Hey, my gäybay's messed up...
If you cant see the ä in the big text versions of gäybay, it's probably because they are javacsripts that wouldnt support the browser safe codes for generating that character. to make sure that a character, like ä will look correct you use certain codes, which represent the characfters. Since I couldn't use these codes in my javascript banners I'm not sure if anyone will have problems viewing them. If you do I'm sorry.

This site was made by Ravenwyck also occassionally known as Ravenwyck Designs (the pseudonymn under which I often create things) a.k.a. Estelle Tuttle (Wow, feels wierd to use my real name on anything other than a form). Anyway, if you'd like to contact me you'll find my email address scattered around this site numerous times. If thats not enough, I'll give it to you Also, please visit my other page at You must have frames to properly view my page and--because of the stupid banners--you must scroll the bottom frame down til you see the menu. Other than that I dont think it's so bad for my first site. Its my home page, so you'll be able to find out a smidgen more about me there, if you wish.