Welcome to the Rakie K page o' crap! Scroll down for contents, they're right there under the giant freaky picture...
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Important Notice!
12th January 2003

Hoo-boy, a new year already. Okay, I've got a kinda good-news-bad-news thing for you here. The bad news is that I can't honestly see myself being able to keep updating this stupid goddamn website, because a) I can't get access to it at work due to the EVIL GLOBAL MEGACORPORATION BASTARDS who run my office, and b) my parents internet is being a tempramental piece of crap at the moment (in the time it's taken me to type this, it's thrown me offline three times). But the good news is, there's a brand new up-n-coming website for you to enjoy! It's the Offical Apple Pastie Productions Website, but hopefully I should have time to put my own stuff up as well, so you won't be deprived of my photos of me embarrassing myself, or my constant attempts to get you to read my stories. So check it out!

More Updates...

The Garbageman Mini-Site
10 Things Actors Know That Directors Don't
10 Things Directors Know That Actors Don't

My Big Show page

A tribute to the bestest wrestler in the whole world, the Big Show! Featuring Fanfics, Wrestling Commentaries and some kick-ass pictures!

The 'We All Love Andy Cairns' Fan Page

Lead singer of Therapy? and quite possibly the cutest guy in the whole world - Andy Cairns! Aw, bless. This site also features tons of Therapy? lyrics, for those of you who can't make out what the man is singing about.

Bruce Campbell Fan Page
(Under Construction)

Also known as 'BROOOOOOOOOOOOCE CAMPBELL!!', at least by me and my friends (said in the same way as 'SEEEEEEEEETH GREEN!' or 'JEEEEEEEEEEEFF HARDY!'). Mr B Campbell, star of three Evil Dead movies and a whole lot of other stuff, and all round fantastically cool person. Goovy!

The Gathering of Freaks

And here's some pictures of me and my friends, looking like the freaks we truly are.

- when I have five minutes between ogling wrestlers and listening to Therapy?, I'm a writer. Here is a selection of stories and films that I've written recently. Do not expect too much - I don't have a lot of free time left over after the ogling, but check them out and let me know if you like them!

Email: The Blonde Blade