All the wonders of Gabe!

This my page for my friend Gabe, he is very fun!

Gabes with his girlfriend kori!

Gabe is really cool.....even though sometimes hes really paranoid!Hes Kori's boyfriend and my special friend.He tastes like cheese and a like cheese so sometimes a try to eat him,but i usually just naw on him, i dont think he likes it.He also sometimes looks like monkey and his really fun hair! Oh and he laughs like this:"Hahahahaha"Its so cool!Some day im going to laugh like him!He's also a wolf boy..yep yep a wolf boy!heheheheh...and He has this bid back-pack that looks like a very large turtle shell....its kind of creepy!But basicaly gabes an all around nice guy and thats why he's my friend and the fact that he's tastey helps too!

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