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Random Writings

How much can i take?
The world laughs as i cry
What will i do now?
No choice but to let myself die


It wants to come inside me
To savour the darkness of my soul
How can i set it free?


You will forever wonder
What is happening to me
All i can say is:
To forgive is to forget


Forget me as i dissolve into nothing but
A puddle of confusion and hate
Hate for this world who
Wants to keep me on its leash


Bruises paint your pale white face
Black and blue, your beauty they erase
I hurt you because i love you
I hurt you because i care
No one else gives you what i do

The fiery voice marauding your senses
Telling you to cower and cry
Motioning you to come closer
Telling you that you must say goodbye

I hurt you because i love you
Purple and black swirl in your eyes
I hurt you because i care
No one else gives you what i do


Darkness bloats your mind
Telling you to kill
What else can you do
But try to block them out
Try to shake them away
Tearing holes in your sanity
Itll never go away
Just you wait and see
Try to escape the new, true me


Pain, anger and confusion
The blade slices them away
Letting the hate drip down the arm of your soul
No more confusion, anger and pain...
