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My Way

I know i should be happy
But in my broken heart i cry
I try to smile and be there
Its all i want to do for you
I wish i made your heart flutter
I wish i made you happier
I know its not up to me
But its all that i want
The only thing that keeps me sane
Is the thought that we'll be together again one day
I know its love, i dont doubt my heart
My head tells me what i should do heart and soul cry for what they want
It cries, i cry. I dont have "It" anymore
I wish so hard, so long, that i did
The days we'd talk online, laughing, teasing
The nights we'd lay in your room, rain on the tin roof
The way your smile would make my being bright
I wish you'd understand
But, all i want is for you to be happy
If it has to be this way
Then its the way to be
But it wont stop my heart longing for yours
Theres nothing i can say
To change your mind or heart
I wish there was, but i cant be greedy
Please dont leave me out of your life
I need you forever with me
You're so special to me, Dont you see?
I love you, you're my saviour