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The world against me
dirt at my feet
what becomes of life
when you dont want to feel it?

i hurt deep inside
my heart is crying
i wish it wasnt like this
my heart is dying

i want what i had
i miss it so much
theres no chance now
i hate it so much

i just want to smile
and feel warm inside
to know its for me
make me feel more alive

i want him to smile
and know its from me
i want to make him happy
i wish that hed see

hes so special
in every single way
i wont let anyone hurt him
forever and a day

his smile makes me weak
his words make me strong
i wish someone would fix
what went wrong

the tears that i cry
speak out his name
all ill ever want is
for him to feel the same

ive tried to get over it
ive tried someone new
this is how i feel
who i want? its you...