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Sleep in the dark
Fighting off my fear
Im waiting to be taken
Far and away from here

I feel i dont belong
I cry in my sleep
I toss and turn at nite
In my dreams i quietly weep

Why do i feel like this?
I feel like im alone
Everyone knows i feel like this
Why do i think they dont want me to be known?

They say its in my head
Its all my own fault
Take a pill and stop it
Make the pain come to a halt

Tears roll down my face
Then giggles erupt from within
A great big vicious circle
Takes me on a giant headspin

I feel sad and confused
I put on a happy front
For my family and friends
What is it they want?

Do they want me to be happy?
Do they expect me to laugh?
I cant feel fully happy
Not even by half

I want to be normal
And SMILE when im happy
Instead of finding the wrongs...
God, i just want to be happy