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Welcome to my Eclectic Dreams.

Here you will find pages dedicated to my favorite things;

And More!

This site is under constant construction and edititng. It is dedicated to Pagan Spirituality.
If this subject offends you, please leave now. This is a place of sanctuary. All paths are
welcome here. The links below offer information, poetry, music, art, and whatever else I feel
the need to express. I follow the Wiccan Rede as well as the Law of Threes. I try to treat
fellow humans, no matter what their belief system, with respect and dignity.

I humbly request the same of all who visit here.

The pages in this site are for adults with open minds. Images may be of an adult nature.
I encourage everyone to use the resources at this site with perfect trust and perfect love.

Before performing any acts of Magick, please be
sure you are doing so for all of the RIGHT reasons!

By entering this site you agree to hold the webmistress and the web hosting company harmless
of all liability. You enter with full knowlege of the site's content and theme. You also
affirm that you are an adult over the age of 18 with the legal right in your country or
state of origin to view mature images and themes. Please do not e-mail me with complaints
about my site content. Afterall, you do NOT have to be here!

Merry Meet. Merry Part. Merry Meet Again.

Feel free to drop a suggestion in the guestbook below.

Visit my other rooms.

~~*~NEW NEW NEW~*~~
Visit Janta's Barter Baazar!!!!!!

Click this banner to visit Eclectic Visions
and learn more about The Burning Times.

E-Mail me if you would like a banner for your page.
Be sure to include the name of the victim you wish to honor.

--Site Created and maintained by Janta--

Last updated 072202