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(( A camera outside reveals a rather vacant and quiet parking lot. Soon thereafter a black eclipse convertible enters and parks. The door opens, and out steps a beautiful young woman. She rounds the car, pops open the trunk, and pulls out her belongings. As she walks inside Michael Cole walks up to meet her.

MC: Hello, you seem a bit lost Ms.

Midajah: Well, yes I am a bit lost as a matter of fact… Could you be so kind as to point me in the direction of an accessible locker room?

MC: Well Ms, walk down this corridor, the first chance you get take a right, then walk down that one and it should be the second door on the right. I trust you can find your way.

Midajah: Thankyou. Have a good evening.

MC: Anytime and have a good one yourself.

(( Midajah walks away from Michael Cole and following his directions. She finds the open locker room and sets her baggage on the floor. Midajah walks over to a mirror. She passes a hand through her long hair and walks out the door. ))


(( mVw returns from commercials. Midajah is backstage and hands a tape to an engineer. Moments later Volcano Girls by Veruca Salt blares through the arena. Bright white pyros discharge in diverse directions. The smoke clears and Midajah emerges from behind it walking down the access ramp slowly.

She walks up the steps and into the ring, walking over to the turnbuckle, climbing the second one, holding up her hands and jumping off it.

She smiles as the ring announcer hands her a mic. The fans’ cheers die down as well as the music. Midajah smiles sweetly and holds the microphone up to her mouth.))

Midajah: Well evidently you know who I am… well, for those of you who don’t. My name is Midajah O’Hearn. I am the most recent addition to the diva roster here. I must divulge, my skills aren’t quite as refined, and I’m not as experienced as various divas here, yet unlike others, I know when to bite my tongue and not gloat. I really don’t know what else I should say to tell the truth.

(( Midajah looks around at the fans, she reads a few signs and giggles. ))

Midajah: While on the issue of being a new arrival and all. I would like to point out that just because I don’t demand a title match right off the bat doesn’t mean I wouldn’t eventually want one. I plan to work my way up to earning a title shot. Not by whining, complaining, and gloating my way to the top about things I have and have not done in the past. Everyone’s in such a hurry to get where they’re going… but sometimes.. it’s better to take your time and learn from your experiences… Anyway, any divas who are hearing this or watching, whatever… don’t take this as a “Oh she’s weak blah, blah, blah.” I’m tougher than I look. So if anyone would like a challenge.. let me know, I’m open and willing to take on any and all offers.

(( Midajah smiles once again and hands the mic back to the ring announcer. Volcano Girls plays once again and she leaves the ring. She walks up the ramp and decides to explore the backstage area to get a bit more acquainted with the arena and the mVw wrestlers. ))