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I told you to watch out for them, these are my Disney pictures. I am such a kid, and I am never going to grow up! Even this year I will be in Disney for spring break. Many seem to think it gets boring after awhile, but they are wrong. Sun and fun...excellent!

Me, Chip and myself?

Ok, so you can actually tell the difference here. Anyway, my sister and I look a whole lot alike, she is about six years older then me though. We have our differences, especially now, I am blonde, she is not, she is a teacher, kids annoy me (yea, I know, I am one).


Hey, who doesn't hate having their picture taken? Apparently I was more ticked off then usual, but I still like this picture. This was taken about four years ago, what do you know, I still look like that. (Did I mention just how tough it is to be this great? just kidding!)

Taking a Break

Awww, how cute is this? This picture is from last year, can you see the difference between the last three? Probably not! Anyway, if you have noticed those sunglasses were always with me! Until...they got carried off to sea in Bermuda! I have replacements but I am still growing into them. I like the alien look, on me but not E.T.!