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Ship Games!

This is one of the greatest things about the Nordic Empress...there is a TON of stuff to do on the ship! The Entertainment Staff is great as well! Dan Dan the Party man keeps everyone busy!

Volleyball Team

Ryan, DJ Brad, Dan Dan the Party man and my sister, Kathy and I are all in this photo. The ship's team can kick anyone's butt at volleyball but that's alright because we still had fun! Play volleyball if you get the chance, sometimes the waves are too high on the way back...but there is always Bingo if the sun isn't bright enough for you! hehe

Kathy at Mr. Sexy Legs

Kathy had the extreme pleasure of being one of the five judges at the Mr. Sexy Legs competition which was hosted by the very talented, Right on Ryan (Bingo name)! Kathy also had the pleasure of being the judge of Mr. Sexy Legs himself! I know, AMAZING!


Right here is Ryan presenting the winner of Mr. Sexy Legs. Kathy is in the background along with Mr. Sexy Legs, I believe his name was Mike. YAY for pool games, this day is the most fun of the ship!