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Prom 2002

This is the long awaited section! Senior Prom! Oh what a night, ok so it wasn't....what is one to do about an ex-boyfriend who can't dance and has low self-esteem so much so that he tries to ruin your night though?! HAHA I know! Get a hug from your high school crush of four years! Alright so the night wasn't that bad, I had a good time on my own!


Pre-prom at my house...obviously someone was cut out of this picture, but I think it looks nice this way! :) HEHE I look happy and sweet, what else matters?! I went all out for prom that year, my hair looked amazing if I may say so myself?! What kinda guy wouldn't make one comment about me looking nice all evening? I will tell ex-boyfriend! haha I am not really bitter but looking at senior prom pictures just makes it all seem so funny.

Dance Tradition

This was a tradition all through high school, to take a picture before the dance in this spot. It's a hideous spot and a bad pic but I thought I would let all my adoring fans in on this! SO, enjoy!


This is me, from head to toe, on prom night. I think I looked darn good! I love dancing, it's a shame certain people don't think I can dance! HAHA All my friends looked amazing on prom night, Jon and Tarleen were adorable as always! I love you guys! But I don't have their picture scanned...sorry folks.