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I am a pet person for sure, I talk to my cat, I talk to people's dogs and yes, I even bite and growl. (I must thank Gaia for getting me into the growling thing.) I have always had cats, and "cat" was even my first word. I know, sweet huh? Usually I have had stray cats, but not anymore.


This is my sweetest cat ever, well almost the sweetest. He followed my sister home one summer afternoon and lived with us for about ten or eleven years. Yoshi is a cat that can never be replaced, he was a really sweety as you can tell.


Right here, this is the most annoying cat in the world. I never knew cats could be annoying, she was not a people cat, she now lives with my sister. Her name is Posh because nothing, including me, is good enough for her.


Geezer is my current cat, he is a four and a half year old Abyssinian. He has the best personality in the world, most Abbies do, he will never leave me alone. Geezer hates guys, it is true, well not really, he just likes girls a lot more, but he will kiss anyone and give them playful nibbles. This kitty loves to chase shadows and jump all over me.