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Me and Important People in my Life

This here is a long overdue section of my site, a tribute to the people who mean the most to me. Yea, it might only be three pictures, or have the capacity to be three pictures but that is really all I need. I keep a tight circle of friends because I love the friends I have so much...anyway there is someone very important missing from this section right now but he will be up here soon! (I love you sweetie!)

My sis and Me

This here is my sister, the best sister in the world, and me! We have our off beat moments but more often then not she is my best friend and she means the world to me. I am incredibly lucky to have her.

Me and Michele

New Year's Eve 2004...good times at the Melting Pot! Well this was in my car, obviously. For those of you who do not know, I love my car! Anyway, this here would be the best friend anyone could ever ask for! We are the true "Center of the Universe" and we even know that Universe starts with a U and not an I. I love you Michele!