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Hoseshoe Bay Photos

Enjoy these few simple photos that show the interesting aspects of Horeshoe Bay Beach. The landscapes of Bermuda are wonderful, if you haven't noticed by now...I love Bermuda!

Crystal Clear!

Look at that water and tell me you don't wish you were there right now! HA, you can't! Again this is one of the spiffy little coves that are on Horseshoe Bay Beach. Even if you spent an entire day at this one beach you would not run out of new places to explore, trust me!


Let me just show off my skills for a moment here...check out those leading lines! HA, my photo teacher this past year was all about the elements that make up a photo. Something was lost in the cropping of this picture but hey, it's still cool.


More rocks, I know, I said they weren't everywhere on Horseshoe Bay Beach. Oh well, I suppose they are just the prettiest part of the beach to take pictures of. I don't know what else to say, so I hope this has been enough information for you.