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Horseback Riding in Bermuda

These are my pictures of my horseback riding tour in Bermuda. This is the first time I had ever ridden a horse and let me tell you, it was AMAZING!!! I think everyone needs to ride horses on the beach at least once in their life! lol I also decided while passing one of the several weddings going on at different beaches we passed that if I ever get married (and that is a very big IF!) it will be on a beach! hehe Keep that in mind people!

On the Way to the Beach

This here is a picture of yours truly on her horse heading towards the Bermudian beaches. I look so natural riding that there beast don't I?! :-) I think I might just have to start riding more often.

Horses on the Beach

Kathy and I were on sister horses, how adorable is that since we are sisters too?! hehe Anyway this here was the best part of the tour because we were right on the water and it was later in the evening so the breeze was nice and it was just a beautiful sight.

Special Events

Here I am on my horse right before the tour ended...I didn't really want to leave but I guess you all are glad I did because now I am home for your amusement. Anyway this is the end of my horseback riding pictures. Thanks for visiting! :-)