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Finally it is 2002 and I am graduating from high school. In some ways it feels like only yesterday that I was nervous about getting lost in the hallways or not knowing anyone, but most days it feels like I know everyone and the hallways are too simple. It is time to move on even though I will miss everyone I know a whole lot. C of the U is always going to be my posse!

Yearbook Photo

I am an editor for the yearbook this year so for some reason I felt compelled to show my yearbook photo. Amazing huh? I am amused because I usually am a real girl and hate my pictures, but I think I look great! ha! There I go being egotistical again, sorry...Moving on!


Wow, you would never know I am really evil would you? Ok, so I am lying, I'm a "teddy bear" not in my own words, but ok. Again this is here simply to show that I do not always look silly in my pictures.

Last One

I promise this is the last time I am going to show a picture then say how amazing I look. (But don't you agree? haha!) If only I had been blonde when senior pictures were taken...oh well. Enjoy the view! (ha!)