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Bermuda at a Glance!

These photos right here were all taken in one very FULL day in Bermuda! There is a ton of stuff to explore on this small network of islands! Caves, Beaches, Swizzle Inn, pubs galore and a whole lot more! Enjoy my quick glance of a tourist's day in port.

Crystal Caves

YAY for educational tourism! This right here is my photo of the Crystal Cave. The designs formed by these droplets of water are simply incredible! Not many people want to go up and down stairs on their vacation but trust me, it is worth it!


Gibbs Lighthouse, yep...more stairs! The view from the top of the lighthouse was spectacular! We got to watch our ship, the Nordic Empress, trade spaces with the Princess. The view really was great, I didn't want to leave the lighthouse. Plus there is a great little teahouse at the base of the lighthouse where the lighthouse keeper used to live. The food was great...cod and bananas! I have never felt so much like a local! hehe!

Horseshoe Bay

Don't let the rocks scare you, most of the beach is rockless! There are plenty of rocks and coves on this beach if you walk far enough. This is the most amazing beach ever! If you go to Bermuda you simply have to go to this beach! The water is always moderately calm, and even if it happens to be a rough day if you walk down the beach you come to a favourite spot of locals. The water collects in a pool-like way and you can swim with all sorts of fish. There is also the chance that you will get to see locals jump from cliffs way up high! The view from the cliffs is really great however I would never jump from the top! Oh, this beach is a great place to go after you have gone to the lighthouse, it is just a little ways down the road.