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Dockyard Photos

Dockyard is where our ship was docked for several days, there is not much to do but if you can't find a way to have fun in Bermuda you are insane! We tried two of the clubs in Dockyard however I wouldn't suggest traveling the area alone at night. Personally I liked the Viking Crown Lounge party more then some of the on shore parties.

Nordic Empress

This right here is my sister, Kathy, our ship is in the background. The ship is beautiful looking, isn't it?! Anyway, doesn't Kathy look adorable?! hehe


Well, yet again I am going to say what a good picture this is! Sorry, I know, you are probably sick of reading all about me. You know it is up to you though, you could always just ignore the words and look around my site. I hope you are actually enjoying yourself because I have put a lot of work into this site! (No pressure!)

My photo excellence!

OK, so I am no Annie Leibovitz but I still really like this picture I took of Kathy. How lovely is Bermuda?! And you haven't even seen all this in person...I hope I am making everyone think they need to go. See Dockyard can be fun even though there aren't as many shops and beaches around as there are in Hamilton.