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ustomizing Instruments and Amplifiers as well as building them from scratch started out as a hobby, a way to waist time. By doing this I have became experienced in all different varieties of equipment. I learned afterwards what is the point of bying expensive equipment when it can be customized to fit me perfectly for alot cheaper.

Than it developed into an obsession, something I knew I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I mean I doubt it will make me millions, unless I started my own factory. But even if it doesn't it is something I like to do and it is something I am good at.

HERETIC CUSTOMS is located in Huntsville, Texas. If for some reason you can't make it this far, you can e-mail me a description of your Instrument/Amplifier and whatever you want done to it than we will go from there. There are many options (Overnight UPS to UPS Ground)

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