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EvilMan Online



NEWS for all the updates on site magic!
SCARING THE NORMALS interviews with spunk
FORUM ask and answer all questions here!
BUDDY ICONS personalize your experince
Evil Symbols! some of the sybmols you know me by
MOVIE something i actually do on this page
EvilMan Comics that's right, I actually made a comic off this crap
EvilManWare! Cover up your uglyness!
Dedication to Mr. SteveHe will be missed


The Way Of The Ninja the offspring of EvilMan Online
Progressive Phoenix the band to rule all bands

you may be wondering why i need my own site. well it's quite simple. if you don't know than you don't know me and need to GET OFF MY FREAKIN' SITE.

Now everyone here should know me! if you don't please refer to the last paragraph. as you know i am lazy and angry. but, other lazy people are also lazy and angry. if you plan to join the rest of the list send me an email at! i am also EvilMan2002 on instant messenger

evilman2002: i am lazy and angry
Pillucho: i am lazy and angry
LrMcllf: i am lazy and angry
corybloor: i am lazy and angry dragon
UTheGuy: i am lazy and angry
Peter W: i am lazy and angry
Peter G: i am lazy and angry
Ladie Sunset: I am lazy and.... Not so angry
SweetT12386: Yeah.......i mean i'm crazy and weird and angry i will be now and maybe later I am lazy and angry and will kill you by the deadly hand of the butterfly
Eric: i am lazy and angry
CelloAce: what's argry?
Butterflies0423: I AM LAZY AND ANGRY
TRiNiTyStR05: i'm lazy and angry
BaBYaNgeL2bE: what if im bored and happy instead of lazy and angry like everyone else?
SwEEt Az CanB443: why is everyone fucking lazy and angry?
STRAWberry8241: im lazy and angry
KISSME5091: i am lazy and angry
FallThursday: i am lazy and angry
Makaveli281: I'm just lazy.
coolmist13: im lazy and angry, i dont get it I am lazy and/or angry
SappFootball2: i am lazy and angry
Corntassel88: yeah im lazy even ask my boy friend
MuDBaBy900: i'm lazy and angry....
m0n0kr0m3D: /i am lazy and angry
DivaDancer987: i am lazy and angry
The Flying Cory: i am lazy and angry
StrawBerry8241: im lazy....and im also angry!!
hobbes8787888: im lazy and angry
kungfuguru0423: i am lazy and angry
Cutie90302: Casey is lazy and angry
Lilrenhen1: i am lazy and agry.
BlondeJovi8787: I am lazy and angry
PsychoInTheShdws: i am lazy and angry!! BOK
GirGirl16: i'm lazy, but i'm not really angry...
Spongeknight: i am lazy and angry
DW48083: i am ylaz and yangr
ItalianStalionHT: I'm not jewish, but i'm still lazy and angry
GtoBadass1: i'm not lazy and angry but drunk and angry
mo0n sprite: i like cheese and stay away from q-tips*
Smokeypanth: just angry in general
The Harry Hood: i am lazy and angry
melancholygrl220: I AM THE MOST LAZY AND ANGRY OF ALL mwahahaha

*we assume that means shes lazy and angry.

Longest Sentence Award: Smokeypanth: herin i doth proclaim as to my relaxed nature, but anon shall my vegence rain down upon my enimies and this world shall be torn asunder

Gift of the Black Tougne, Current Member of Honor: KlownIncognito: i am uber lazy, nad angry at stuff

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This has been a Freak Accident Inc. (c) Production