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Welcome to a little place where people rant and write articles about anything they want to. These articles are mostly ment to make you laugh, though sometimes the writers are quite angry and feel like taking it out on you just for the fun of things. In other words, the people on's staff write about whatever they feel like writing about.

We're currently looking for staff that would enjoy writing articles for the site. The authors aren't entitled to write something every week or anything, all they have to do is write something down when they feel like it. When they eat at a bad resteraunt, see a bad movie, watch some bad TV, whenever they feel like it. If you're interested, please send me some thing in and I'll gladly have you on board.

The author's of these articles are not responsible for the scarring of your mind this site may cause. In other words, you're on your own for the psychotherapy costs, bucko. Keep in mind that the internet is a place that invites free-expression of all kind. If you see something on this site that offends you, leave. E-mailing the staff about the use of language and the liking in the articles is absurd, as you came to this site under your own free will.