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Im afraid there aint much here at the moment... but more of my pathetic atempts to be arty will be coming along shortly...


My Ruin


Before the Storm


woops... another revision day gone down the drain.

Vicky this is mi sis... she turned out quite well really...seeing that i was meant to be doing revision...

Im entering a competition...again.. and the subject is city life.. and I have to chose 2 of the 3 of the pics below.. any ideas on which two will be appreciated.. (I came third last year with my pictures... i think they were too depressing.. so im trying to be happier this time... kinda)

I did this one for Heather (my cousin in law) for her wedding... its kinda based on my faverite artist, Mucha.

the goddess (dreams are made winding through her hair)
this is based on the lyrics from that well known soad song (i say well known cus ive forgotten the name of it... damnit.) but its just a sketch that it inspired me to do. bugger its big... sorry about that.. i will resize it soon.