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World O' Kasey

Hi, welcome to my narcissistic little page. Me, my animals and life and such. Anyway, look around and tell me you love me.

The WeatherPixie

Blog o' Kasey

09/16/05 - now with blogging goodness!

3/27/05 - I'm actually updating this place. But i'm really just taking things down. if i get anything new, it'll just go in my lj. As far as i can tell, i just missed 2004.

10/03/03 - Added some pics, deleted some pics. I have a camera again, so i will be adding more stuff as it comes in.

7/17/03 - Added a section for Alex's pics from his trip out here.

6/11/03 - added a couple pics of me, with my new red hair. Changed the mainpage pic again. I really need a new digital camera ... that may take up some of my tattoo money ...

3/25/03 - added pics to friends section (jessica, justin) and some pics of me to my section. Thank you Norm and Jessie! I still need to get my own camera ...

2/25/03 - added some pics of me.

1/20/03 - Changed my mainpage pic .... as if that weren't obvious enough ... I need to go get a new digital camera ... make new pictures.

12/14/02 - added pics of Marge ... she sent me pictures ... why can't the rest of you send me pictures? And sign my damn guestbook.

12/10/02 - I will add to this when I get another digital camera ... until then, send me pics!

11/9/02 - deleted some pics, updated the animal bios, updated my bio.

Okay, dear friends ... I am having a party out here. On my birthday. November 15. Show up or die!!!

9/11/02 - updated pets, friends, my pics. So look at them, people!

9/18/02 - added some more pics to "my friends" section. Updated my bio a little bit.

9/24/02 - added to the "stuff" section.

10/02/02 - added people to my friends section.

What Kind of Smile are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a Deathrocker/Goth-Punk! You're into old
school gloom-n-doom ghoul punk music, ripped up
tight clothing, and big hair cut into unnatural
designs. You recognize the cheesiness in Goth,
and play with it to your benefit.

What kind of Goth would you be?
brought to you by Quizilla Photos

Alex's pics
my aminals
me & my friends

Stuff about me

my bio
pics of me
sign my guestbook!

In my head

My LiveJournal
My open diary
Cool links