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Part 6

The group walked through the dark streets of Sunnydale ignoring the stares from the other creatures of the night that looked on in a mix of fear and awe. Angelus had returned and blood was going to run but he had learned through the mistakes earlier. The first problem would be to remove the witch, that way no one could put a soul on them, he was never going back to that prison.

“So, how are we going to get the chip out of Spike’s head?” Xander asked curious, knowing that his mate would have come up with a plan.

“Dru’s waiting back at the mansion, apparently the stars have told her how to get it out. She’s looking forward to having her family together.” Angelus replied noticing the way Spike’s eyes flashed golden at her name.

“Is that Chaos Demon with her?” Spike asked unsure as to whether or not he wanted the answer.

“If he is we can always kill him.” Xander said as he remembered the way Spike had missed his Dark Princess.

All conversation stopped as they arrived at the mansion, Angelus walked in first followed by Xander and lastly Spike. The scene was surprisingly domestic, if you ignored the hanging bodies. Druscilla was sitting at a large wooden table playing with what appeared to be a bird. On seeing them, she stood and slowly walked over.

“Is this my new Daddy? The stars have told me such lovely tales about you; you are going to make the Slayer weak. You will make the blood run.” Druscilla said in the lilting voice of the insane. She was dressed in a long black and red dress that glided along the floor as she walked. Looking up at Xander, she smiled and moved towards Spike.

“Yes, this is Alexander but you can’t play with him, Dru.” Angelus said his voice cold.

Druscilla said as she moved to sit at the table once more, “I know but I can play with my Spike. The stars have told me how to get that metal out of your head then we can hunt.”

The vampires all sat down and started to confirm all the details. The main problem was that they needed Tara to remove the chip but it would be difficult to get her before the Scooby Gang retaliated.

Angelus said as he considered his plan, “Spike, you can go to the meeting and keep an eye on them. We’ll get Tara on her way back to the college. The only problem is Willow.”

Xander said, “Willow won’t be at the meeting tomorrow, she’s supposed to be tutoring someone so we can get her all alone.”

End Part 6

Part 7