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Part 4

The tug in the back of his mind signalled that his mate was almost ready to be reborn as a true creature of the night. Angelus quickly walked over to his beloved’s terrified parents and woke them up. The scent of fear rolling off them was intoxicating but he clamped down on the desire to drain them, wanting the pair to be his gift to Xander.

“Sire...I love you.” Xander purred as he walked over to Angelus, radiating sexuality.

Xander gripped his Sire’s mouth in a tight kiss, changing into his true face, delighting in the feeling of Angelus’ tongue running over his fangs. The two vampires shivered in desire as their fangs touched.

“I need you, please Angelus.” Xander managed to moan, through the purrs of desire and contentment.

Angelus replied by running his hands over the young vampire’s body, causing shivers to run down both their spines. He quickly focused on Xander’s cock, taking the leaking shaft into his mouth, expertly running his tongue down the vein. It was too much for Xander who was drowning in a sea of lust. He was going to cum but he needed something more, sensing this Angelus bared his neck. As Xander came with a growl, he thrust his fangs into Angelus’ neck. The blood was powerful, dangerous, and addictive, making Xander orgasm harder than ever before.

As soon as he could breathe, Xander looked over at his terrified parents. The scent of fear and their heartbeats only increased his hunger. He looked at them, wondering just what would be a fitting punishment for the two people who had hurt and betrayed him. His mother he would let die relatively quick. His father would have to suffer for the years of pain Xander had endured at his hands.

Moving faster than the mortals could see, Xander moved behind his mother, grasping the women’s neck in his hands. The need for the blood pulsating underneath his fingertips was too strong to deny. Xander changed into game face, his eyes turning gold as he bit into the woman’s neck. Xander stopped drinking the blood to look at Angelus. The elder vampire was looking at them through golden eyes, in a mix of bloodlust and desire.

“Sire, come drink with me.” Xander whispered seductively as he looked Angelus in the eyes.

Smiling the older vampire dropped his fangs into the other side of the woman’s neck. Minutes later the vampires had completely drained the woman who fell to the floor dead. The bloodlust was sated for the moment leaving only desire coursing through their veins.

Xander dropped to his knees and looking Angelus in the eyes, took the vampire’s hard cock into his mouth. The sight of Xander’s bloodstained lips around him made Angelus growl in desire. Xander bobbed up and down on the shaft, stopping to place a kiss on the tip. As his sire was about to come, Xander took the cock into his mouth completely. Angelus shot a stream of cum down his beloved’s throat, biting into Xander’s neck as he came, marking the younger vampire as his mate.

End Part 4

Part 5