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Chapter 6




The Bronze was crowded.  The music was loud.  First bouncing against the exterior walls then echoing in screeching vibrations around the people jammed into the nightclub.  It made Xander's head spin.  Stopping in his tracks just inside the door, he blinked a few times to get used to the mixture of darkness and strobe lights flashing through the crowd.  Releasing the breath he always seemed to be holding, his guard slipped just a little.  In this place, he was just one more kid out for a good time. The same crowd that ignored him at school ignored him here while his friends were still there for him. That was cool with him.


Except for Spike.  The girls promised that Spike wasn't going to show up tonight.  Xander wasn't sure if he should believe them or not, but the lure of getting out of his house was too much temptation.  His dad was gone on one of his 'business trips' so Xander was free to go out without a lot of hassle.  As long as he didn't cause trouble for his mother, she didn't try to control him, and she never told.  Their household resembled the US government in that aspect.  Don't ask then don't tell.   


"Come on, Xander," Buffy said, tugging on his arm.  "There's a table free over there."  She pointed to a high top table near the dance floor.  Right where she could see who came and went and where everyone would see them.  Which meant she was hoping Angel would show.


Not arguing, he followed; glancing around just to make sure Spike wasn't there.  He didn't spot the blond anywhere.  He wasn't sure if he was disappointed or relieved.  Or both.  Keeping Spike away from him was the best thing for both of them.  Yet his heart screamed for his friend.  He should never have kissed Spike.  At least before that fateful move, Spike was around him all the time and he wasn't left with this aching separation. 


An overwhelming flood of hate for his father overcame Xander.  If only a horrible accident would keep his father from ever coming home.  Sliding onto a stool across from Buffy, Xander told himself that if the indiscriminate wish came true, he would be filled with guilt.  Yet, it didn't silence the small voice that whispered that he wouldn't really care that much about the man who fathered him.  The death of the man who was so cruel could only bring a heady freedom, but it was too much to hope.


"Okay," Willow said, putting three cups on the table.  "A diet for Buffy, a regular for Xander and punch for me."  After distributing the drinks, she sat on the stool between them. 


"Thanks," Xander said.  "So, what do you girls think of the new duds when they're actually being worn?"  He ran his hand down his chest that he puffed out as he twisted for the girls to take a look. 


"Looks good," Willow said, with a small nod.  "Buffy has good taste."


Xander chuckled because Buffy wasn't even paying attention to them.  She was too busy looking for the current object of her affections.  Nibbling on her lower lip let him know she hadn't spotted Angel yet.  Leaning over, he waved his hand in front of her face.


"What, huh, what did I miss?"  Buffy asked, glancing between her friends with a confused look. 


"Xander wanted some admiration for the clothes you bought him this afternoon," Willow said. 


"Of course he looks good," Buffy said, reaching over to squeeze Xander's hand.  "I wouldn't have gotten him the outfit unless he would.  Only the best for my friends."


During the trip to the mall after school, Buffy somehow decided that Xander needed a makeover as much as she did.  Having her mom's credit card gave her a bit of leeway when it came to the extra duds, but she took his clothes out of her budget so they wouldn't get in too much trouble.  Certainly, his parents wouldn't give him any money to buy new clothes without a good reason.  His mother bought him a few new things before school started and he learned to make do with them. 


"You do look good," Willow added.  "Spike should be knocked over by the new Xander."


"No," Xander shook his head.  "We're over.  Remember?  No Spike and Xander anything."


"That's not true," Buffy said.


"I agree," Willow added with her resolve face.  "Just a temporary roadblock."


"You're both dreaming."


If only he wasn't.  Xander hid his face in his drink, swallowing it down as he fought back his emotions.  He didn't want to admit it, but he really wanted Spike to take a second look at Xander in the clothes Buffy picked out.  The khaki cargo pants and green striped shirt was nothing like the standard jeans and on sale shirts that his mom bought for him.  Earlier, when he stared at himself in the mirror he could see a glimpse of the man he wanted to become one day.  The man he would be, he swore, if it were the last thing he ever did.  A life he wanted to share with Spike.


"He's here," Buffy said, leaning toward them. 


"Spike?"  Xander asked, wanting to shrink into himself.


"No, Angel," Buffy said, sitting up, pushing her boobs out.  She flipped her hair before trying to appear casual.  That was impossible as much as she was bouncing around. 


"Uh Buffy," Willow said.


Xander looked behind them to see Angel holding hands with Cordelia as they headed for the dance floor.  It pissed him off for some unfathomable reason.  Buffy was better off without the big wooden jerk, but if she wanted him then he should be paying attention.  The girl was about ready to cry.  It had taken her hours to get ready, a ton of money to pay for the clothes that revealed too much, and now it seemed to be all for nothing. 


"He's an idiot," Xander muttered, standing up.  He took Buffy's hand before giving a small bow and a flourished wave.  "Will you dance with me?"


"Not now," Buffy whispered.  "You don't have to be nice."


"I'm not," Xander declared.  He winked at Willow.  "It would be an honor to dance with one of the two most beautiful women in this joint."


"Go on," Willow chimed in, waving her hands in a 'go away' gesture.  "Make him jealous by dancing with the most handsome man here tonight."


Buffy slid off her chair to let him lead her onto the floor.  The song playing was somewhere between a fast number and a slow song.  One of those that made you want to run, and lay down to dream all at the same time.  Deciding that closeness was what they needed, Xander pulled his friend close against him.  Buffy leaned against him.  He buried his nose in her hair, wishing that things were different for all of them. There wasn't any reason that they shouldn't all be happy.  Life was playing some cruel tricks on them.


"What's wrong with me?"  Buffy asked, pulling back enough to look up into his eyes.  Her fingers played with the hair curling against his collar.  "The three most important men in my life and I don't do anything for them."


"As for me, your lack of a penis doesn’t help the situation," Xander quipped.  "And you and Spike have done quite a bit.  He adores you, body and all. And, hey, I'm insulted to be put in the same category as dead boy."


Buffy rolled her eyes.  "Why do you call him that?"


"Because he has absolutely no personality.  He's wooden, but I guess that's what you see in him."


Giggling, Buffy swatted at him.  "That's bad."  She stared at his top button for a second.  "Look, I'm sorry about last night.  I know that you and Spike don't…well, look at me like you do each other."


"It's okay, Buffy." 


Hopefully the reassurance would cut off a long apology session.  They'd made up.  He didn't hold it against her.  After all, they all exchanged more than a few kisses and gropes since obtaining puberty.  It was like Willow said earlier in the day, he switched the rules on them, and he would have to give them time to gel back into a real comfort zone again.


"If you say so," Buffy said.  "So, what was Willow saying about making Angel jealous?"


Xander pulled her closer, letting his hands run down her back.  "Give me a second to maneuver us into a good spot, then do what you want, honey.  It's not going to hurt me."


When Buffy turned around to wiggle her ass against his groin, Xander almost groaned.  It was going to hurt as he felt his body respond to the stimulation.  She owed him big time.





Watching the couple on the dance floor hurt.  They looked so at ease with one another that it made him jealous.  It made Spike wonder if he would ever be so comfortable around Xander again.  He missed his friend.  Taking a sip of the ill-gotten beer in his cup, he slid into the seat next to Willow.


"Spike? You're here," Willow squeaked.  "That's great."  Her eyes told another story as she searched the floor for Xander and Buffy.  She looked almost panicked.


"It's okay, Red.  Just stopped by your table to say hi, then I'll get out of the way."


"No, no, it's okay.  You should stay.  I just thought, that you know, when you showed up that Buffy would know first.  So, that Xander wouldn't run."


"He doesn't even want to hang out with me?"


Spike hated that he sounded like some damn lovesick ponce.  To keep anyone else from noticing, he took a long drink of his beer.  How could something that hadn't crossed his mind a week ago now consume his every thought?  Xander was beautiful.  Somehow, tonight he looked more confident than usual, more comfortable being himself.  Usually Xander was ready to jump out of his skin if someone made a sudden move around him.  Holding Buffy, laughing over some secret joke with her, Xander appeared to be more of a man.  As if something had happened to give him an edge over the life he usually led.  Whatever it was made Spike was jealous that it wasn't something he did making Xander happy. 


"Spike, you in there?"  Willow waved her hand in front of Spike's face to get his attention. 


"Yeah, yeah, I'm here.  Just thinking about stuff."


"Well, I was telling you that Xander does want to be around you.  He was trying to push Buffy and me away, too.  Mr. Harris is on some kick that we're corrupting his son, pressuring Xander to stop hanging around us, and especially you."


"Long speech," Spike commented on Willow's run on commentary about why Xander was avoiding them.  It wasn't like her, and it only told him how much she was trying to explain away something that couldn't.


Willow looked away.  A faint blush stained her cheeks, making Spike feel like an ass.  He wanted to apologize but was too angry to say the words. His rage wasn't directed at Willow, but at the whole situation.  So many other ways life could have played out wouldn't be leaving him drowning in confusion about his best friend.  They hadn't happened, and he was stuck with it.  There seemed to be only two things to do, stick it out with the other three, taking what he could get which would never be enough, or leave them behind.  He sighed.  Neither was a good alternative.


"Spike, please be nice," Willow said, returning her gaze to him. 


"I'm always nice," Spike retorted, feeling backed into a corner.  He could see Buffy and Xander winding their way through the gyrating couples.  Part of him wanted to run, and another longed to be close to Xander.  He hated that part of him, but that same part of him hated Xander, too.  It left him unsure of how to act or what to do with his sweaty palms.


"Hi," Buffy said, kissing his cheek and giving him a hug.


Spike pulled her close against him.  "You're a conniving little bitch.  Getting us both here."


"Don't," Buffy whispered back. 


"Already got the lecture from Will.  I'll behave if he will."  Spike released Buffy.  He took a deep breath to calm his racing nerves before looking at Xander.  "Hey there," he said.


"Hi," Xander replied. 


They looked briefly into each other's eyes, and then glanced away before looking again.  The second time it took a little longer before Spike could tear his eyes away.  Everything he was feeling was echoed in Xander's expression.  It only made it hurt more.  It also made him want to grab Xander, hold him tight until they felt safe again.  Sex wasn't the goal, but rather a hiding place where there weren't so many rules, only them and their feelings.  A smile curled the edges of Xander's lip making Spike want to smile too until another blonde stepped between them.


"Harmony," Spike groaned.  "What are you doing here?"


"You said you hung out here a lot," Harmony said.  "It's Friday night and I was lonely.  Thought we could do last night all over again."


"You were together last night?"  Xander asked, staring at the chit who was ruining Spike's night. 


Spike opened his mouth to come up with the first plausible lie, but it was already too late.  Harmony's answering giggle told Xander everything he needed to now.  It was enough to make the brunette leave without another word.   The world was crashing again.  This time Spike wasn't sure that anything could make it go away.


to be continued…

Chapter 7
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