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    Brief History About the Nursing home

This is a privately run Nursing home for People with a learning Disability and Challenging behavior. This nursing home was purpose built with a Daycare building alongside.


Three Islands believes that People with learning disabilities and challenging behavior have the right to have all their needs meet. It recognizes that they in some cases they will require additional help and support to overcome obstacles that their behavior presents. 

Three Islands believe that peoples challenging behavior should not reform a barrier to their needs for personal relationship, growth and development, and therefore provide each individual an opportunity to live a entertaining and safe life

"We believe Our home is their home." 

It is a place in which to feel secure, happy and to enjoy care without concern. A place in which to keep old friends and to meet new ones. Where the past can be remembered and the future looked to with hope and optimism. 

We also recognize that every individual requires a different level of care and Three Islands has been designed to ensure we meet all their varying needs and overcome problems which occur.

The home design provides four individual nine bed , single story Islands -Aran, Boa, Coney and Rathlin joined to a main administration building by a link corridor.