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  Everyone has heard the saying that "the whole is only as good as the sum of its parts." The elements that create an entity do so only because they have come together in harmony and unanimity. This especially rings true for the Melbourne-based band The Namesake.

Combining diverse influences and backgrounds, sacrificing individual tastes and goals, The Namesake joined together to form something greater. Immediately, something fresh and inspiring was discovered by the band. The music that emerged from the formation was unlike anything that any one individual could have imagined, but as a unit, it seemed that creativity could flourish.

The Namesake's songs showcase the band's ability to mix many styles in an effort to create one new and original sound. Combining elements of pop-punk, rock, skacore and hardcore, The Namesake appeal to many audiences. The emotional and raw vocals of singer/guitarist Jaymz, the rock of Cam's guitar work, the beautiful harmonies and melodies of saxophonists Jason & Steph, and Luke's tight and mind-numbing drumming perfectly deliver an awe-inspiring feel that grabs a listener and will not let go until the song is through.

From the upbeat and speedy punk numbers like "Nobody Knows" and "This New Disease", to the more hardcore-edged "Suckerpunch" and back to the more garage/punk rock sound of "Shane McFly", The Namesake toil through many feelings and sentiments in a short period of time. The music and lyrics work together perfectly to effectively convey the sincerity of each song. As serious as they are about music, the band never forget their sense of humor, and by adding lyrical "easter eggs" to songs like "Shane McFly" with it's subtle Back To The Future reference and "Dr Teeth" with it's not-so-subtle Muppet Movie reference, The Namesake also never underestimate the intelligence of the listener.

When The Namesake start playing shows (around September/October 2003), we feel you will also be impressed with their live show.